032, miss psycho

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chapter thirty two

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chapter thirty two

OUTPOSTS GONE. Day by day, an outpost disappeared. They took them out, quicker than ever. It's what they should've done right at the start. They should've killed Negan when they had the chance to do it.

Carmen went with Aaron, taking out more saviours. They hid behind the cars, firing rounds towards the saviours.

Shells fell to the ground every minute as someone's finger pressed the trigger. Carmen never thought she'd be killing this many people, but here we are.

"Tobin, move in!" Aaron called to the man.

"I can take them, cover me." Eric shouted, his finger pressing down on the trigger as he fired at them, "There's no time!"

"Go!" Scott ordered, "I'll help cover you."

"I've got him, Aaron. Keep shooting!" Carmen reassured the man as she ran across to where Eric was stood, the two shooting down saviours like dominoes.

"Aaron!" Carmen called, pointing towards the walkers slowly moving in on the saviours.

Aaron nodded and stopped shooting, they didn't have to do anything. Either way, the saviours were gonna die, so why waste the bullets?

One by one, people were getting shot. Everyone beside Carmen and Eric were being shot down.

"Stay low!" Carmen followed Eric, standing beside him. She shot at saviours, as Aaron ran a few over and made his way over to the two.

"Eric. Are you okay?" Aaron asked, holding Eric's cheeks.

"Yeah...our people...they need..." His breath was shortening and his voice was getting quieter.

Carmen looked down and gasped, he had been shot. His once grey t-shirt began to bleed with red.

"Go! Go! I've got this!" Carmen yelled towards Aaron, he nodded and ran, carrying Eric.

If Eric died, Aaron would be a different person. And Carmen just hoped that he didn't, because that meant another live was on her hands.

Carmen moved beside Scott, firing on the sides of the car because she was too short to shoot over the top.

Tobin arrived, on the other side of Scott, "They stopped shooting."

"No. They stopped shooting at us." Carmen said, getting back up and firing at the saviours again, knocking two.

All the saviours headed the opposite way, inside the outpost. Carmen was worried shitless about Eric, she didn't know how she let a bullet go anywhere near him.

When the saviours moved away, the fight was over.

"Rick!" Carmen yelled, running towards him and hugging him. It was times like this when you hoped people you cared about didn't die, because when there was that chance it was a very risky one to take.

𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 ⁻ ᶜᵃʳˡ ᵍʳⁱᵐᵉˢWhere stories live. Discover now