010, cherry and vanilla

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chapter ten

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chapter ten

IT WAS THE next morning. Some of the group were huddled in the RV. And some in the car. Carmen had never been more excited yet nervous in her life. All she ever wanted was for this to happen, an actual home, with actual water and electricity. Not just some barn with a few haystacks and a fire.

The whole journey, Carmen anxiously bounced her knee. She was sat next to Tara, listening to Eugene talk about the rules of whatever game him and Tara were playing.

She didn't understand half of it.

All she heard was a little conversation between Abraham and Rosita. Talking about the voltage on the car. "We can make it." Abraham said.

They definitely did not make it.

The group were stood around, the RV and car. Glenn was taking a look at the RV. Abraham stood next to him rambling on about winning.

"Can't win. Might as well paint it red and put a ladder on it." Abraham whined. "All we need is another battery." Glenn informed.

"Where the hell are we gonna find another battery?" Abraham asked. "Right over here." Glenn walked Abraham over towards the side of the RV, where a supposed battery existed.

"Cami, get up." Rosita ordered towards her sister sat on the floor. "Why?" She asked, a slight sass in her tone. "Because you're gonna get dust all over your cargo shorts." Rosita replied.

Carmen stood up and rolled her eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me, Carmen. Get up." Rosita said, making Carmen stand up.

"My face is already covered in blood. Why the fuck does it matter what's on my shorts?" Carmen argued. "Watch your language." Rosita yelled, a load groan escaping Carmen's lips.

The girl just wanted to get to Alexandria and be on with her day. Maybe even clean this nasty Gareth blood off of her face, too. She hated being unclean, but in an apocalypse that was rule number one, you kinda had to be dirty.

But, behind all the arguing was Glenn, replacing the battery in the car and making the engine start. Everyone cheered and clapped their hands at the roaring sound of an engine.

After the rest of the drive towards Alexandria, the group eventually rolled up to their gates. Carmen looked out the front view of the RV, between Abraham and Rosita as she stared in awe.

"Holy shit. Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit!" She squealed. "It's actually real. It's—It's actually happening!" She exclaimed. Laughter filled the RV as the girl looked so excitedly at the worn out gates.

They got out the vehicles and Carmen ran straight towards Carl. "Carl. You see it right? It's real. It's actually real." Carmen shook his shoulders.

He laughed at the girl. Butterflies filled his stomach as her hands fell down his arm. He felt happy. He was sure on how he felt for Carmen and knew that those feelings wouldn't change, ever.

𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 ⁻ ᶜᵃʳˡ ᵍʳⁱᵐᵉˢWhere stories live. Discover now