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chapter thirty eight

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chapter thirty eight

TOMORROW WAS NOW. Yesterday, the group of Hilltop had been given a map, with a time, a place and a reason.

Carl's reason was revenge. Revenge on Negan. Revenge on the saviours. He wanted all of them dead, and if going out of his way, going against everything his mother ever wanted him to be, meant they were gonna die, he was fully prepared to make that sacrifice.

Carl was no longer sad over Carmen, he was angry. The next stage of grief. After his outburst on Eugene yesterday, Carl realised he was capable of a lot more than threats.

Carl was stood with Rosita, Daryl, Rick, Maggie, Carol and Michonne. Daryl was tracing his finger along the map while he spoke, "All right. We will go on this road. Stick to the trees, we'll get there quicker. Plus, we can keep an eye on the road that way."

Rosita agreed, nodding her head, "Yeah, if they're planning anything, we'll see it." Carl looked around at everyone, he wasn't talking recently, he was more observing, but it made people feel scared, intimidated.

"You think you can trust Gregory? With what he told us?" Michonne looked towards Maggie, she nodded, "I locked him up inside the house. He knew i wouldn't let him walk around free. He knew he was coming back to that. He doesn't believe in anything except himself, and he'd have to believe in the saviours a whole lot to send us into a trap and think it would work out for him."

"Unless Dwight didn't tell him. That asshole could be setting us up." Daryl suggested. Rick grabbed the map, it rustling in his hands. He folded it up and placed it in his back pocket, nodding towards everyone.

Carl watched as Carol drifted off to Morgan, who seemed very worried. He was looking around rapidly, like someone who had lost their keys and was already late for work.

Suddenly, the gates of hilltop opened, and the few saviours who had decided to stay walked through with knives in their hands. Morgan immediately ran towards them, being pulled back by Henry, who then got hit and fell to the floor.

Carol ran over, pushing Morgan back lightly. Morgan began to explain, "They were, uh...they were gone, him. They were coming in."

"I asked Maggie if we could clear the walkers from the walls. We drew them away so we wouldn't have to worry about 'em when we rolled out." Alden informed Morgan. Maggie confirmed, "He did."

"Let's keep gettin' ready, everyone. First team's going in 20." Rick instructed, everyone beginning to move around.

Soon, the gates opened, and everyone set out to end it. Now or never.

THEY SET OFF. Hiding behind broken branches and bushes, watching as the saviours got into cars, walkers with buckets on their heads being carried along with them.

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