026, this meant war

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chapter twenty six

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chapter twenty six

THE DAY HADNT gone any quicker than Carmen wanted, in fact, it had just gone even slower. Negan was currently shaving his beard in their bathroom, with Carl, Carmen and Judith all sat watching him.

"Always against the grain, kid. Always against the grain." He said, his voice getting quieter as he repeated the sentence.

"I'm about to cut your eye out with the razor." Carmen threatened, except her voice was threatening, it was more irritated at the fact Negan was just mumbling on.

"Hey, watch the language. We got a baby in the room." Negan scolded, pointing his finger at the short-haired girl, making her push him away.

"Yeah, like you actually care." Carmen smiled sarcastically.

Negan chuckled, "You know what, i am starving! Let's go make some food, shall we?" He washed the shaving cream off his face, drying his hands on the towel and then picking up Judith. Basically, leaving just Carmen and Carl to follow behind him.

They walked downstairs, Negan placing Judith in a seat at the table, while he approached the kitchen. After many attempts of asking where the pots and pans were, and only getting the exact same stare from the couple stood beside each other, he found them.

Eventually, he made a tomato sauce in one pan, with vegetables in the other. In another pot, was many bits of spaghetti, ready to be boiled.

"Damn, that smells good." Negan breathed in, then releasing his breath with a small chuckle. He then took the spoon in the pot, and brought it up to his mouth, taking a small bite of what was on the spoon.

"Mmm!" He hummed, walking over to Carl. "Want a taste?" He asked, the look on Carl's face made Carmen laugh. He seemed so disgusted it was actually out of this world.

Negan began to chuckle, instantly making Carmen stop as she saw if he was laughing, it wasn't funny.

Negan had Carl wearing an apron, while rolling out dough which he was placing on the tray before him.

After time of making the spaghetti, Negan then had Carmen set the table. She placed the glasses and bowls down for everyone. When she placed the cutlery down, she gave a knife and fork to everyone, only giving a fork to Negan.

"Excuse me, where's my knife?" Negan smirked. In that moment, Carmen just wanted to smack that stupid grin off his face, but she didn't, in fact, she did something a little more pleasing to her.

"Oh, sorry. I must've forgotten." Carmen smiled, very much politely, as she slammed the top of the knife down into the table between Negan's two fingers, "There's your fucking knife."

"Hold on there, Miss Psycho. I think we're gonna need another setting." Negan tutted, Carmen sighing and walking away to get another setting as Negan asked for.

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