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chapter twelve

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chapter twelve

DAYS HAD passed and part of the group were now going out on a run. That involved, Glenn, Noah, Aiden, Nicholas, Tara and Eugene.

Carmen said goodbye to each of them, other than Aiden, mainly because she didn't care, but also because he didn't care either.

Carmen then found herself hanging out with Carl and the other teens of Alexandria.

"So, Carmen, you ever smoke weed?" Ron asked. "Well, we're in an apocalypse, so i'm afraid my answer is no." She nodded.

"Well my dads a doctor, so he keeps a little stash in a locked draw of his, i could get some and you could try it sometime." Ron suggested.

"We'll see." Carmen smirked. "Maybe you can persuade Enid too, she's never done it either." Ron gave Carmen a nod. Carmen hadn't seen Enid in a while, she last saw her after that little fight between Glenn and Aiden, she hadn't seen her since.

But a while later, Glenn and the rest of the group came back, no Aiden, no Noah, and an injured Tara.

It was difficult, when Carmen got the news about Noah. Even though she hadn't known him for that long, it still hurt like hell to see him not return.

They were losing more people day by day, they thought that they were safe after being in Alexandria, but they got it all wrong. All wrong.

IT HAD BEEN a few days since the death of Noah and Aiden. Deanna was devastated at the death of her first son, but everyone in their group was mourning the death of Noah.

Carmen was outside, walking around, getting the fresh air, she noticed Enid leave by climbing over the wall. So, she followed her.

At first, she saw her, but then Enid ran. Then Carmen followed her. Until they were both in the woods, and a twig snapped.

"Carmen." Enid called out. "I know you're following me." She said. Her voice was around in the woods, somewhere.

"You're going the wrong way." She informed the girl. "You knew? I thought i was pretty stealthy." Carmen smirked.

"You're very loud, actually." Enid corrected. "Can you go back? To be honest, you scare me." She said.

"You serious? I scare you?" Carmen laughed. "Well, you did walk in here with blood all over your face." Enid reminded.

"Besides, two people just died. You shouldn't be out here." Carmen said. "Oh, come on." Enid stepped out from behind the trees.

"People always die. You know that." Enid said.

"We should go back."


"Im not being responsible for anymore blood on my hands." Carmen told the girl.

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