035, i tried

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chapter thirty five

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chapter thirty five

OVER AT HILLTOP, everyone still mourned Carmen's death. Rick and Michonne had shown up, Maggie being there to greet them. She knew more than well what it was like to lose someone you loved.

Although Rick had both of his kids, it almost felt like one of them was actually gone. Sure, he called Carmen kid a few times, gave her a few hugs, but the two never looked at each other in a parent-child way. But, in this moment, Rick felt like he'd lost one of his own.

After a while, Rick had drove off, making his own decisions on what he was gonna do with Negan yet again.

Meanwhile, Rosita was stood at the top overlooking the outside of Hilltop with Maggie.

"Do you think he'll come back from this?" Maggie turned to Rosita, who was watching Rick drive off through binoculars.

"Have you come back?" Rosita asked, lowering the binoculars. Maggie didn't respond.

"I just keep going." Rosita said, "It feels like she's everywhere and nowhere at the same time."

"It's weird without her here. I remember when i met the two of you, and the way she stuck by you. It reminded me of me and my sister." Maggie smiled to herself, "I saw Beth in her."

"Is it wrong that a part of me still thinks she's out there?" Rosita looked out towards the horizon, she felt insane asking that question, but it was true.

"No, it's not wrong, but it doesn't mean that it's true." Maggie responded, making her way over to the ladder where she headed down to the ground.

Rosita was then left up there for a while, on her own, in her own thoughts. Nothing but Carmen's voice consumed her mind.

ON THE OTHER HAND, Rick was out, trying his hardest to kill Negan. He was sat on the top of the car, a radio in his hands as he listened to the muffled voices of the saviours.

"If you see 'em coming, hit your horn. That'll start the handoff. Stick to the plan, don't engage." The man on the walkie said.

Rick pulled out his binoculars at the sound of vehicles approaching. He saw four cars, all dark with a few people in the back of them. Then a massive black truck, driving in between the cars.

He rushed down the car, hovering is hand over the honk button on the wheel. Pulling out the binoculars again, he noticed more vehicles, one in particular being driven by Negan.

Instead of honking the horn, he opened the door of the car, throwing the binoculars inside and getting in the car. The engine started and he instantly made his way over to follow Negan.

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