049, top of the hill

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chapter forty nine

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chapter forty nine

"I HOPE YOU KNOW you're always welcome here." Tara smiled at Carmen, bringing her in for a hug as Alden loaded the last bag into the back of the wagon.

"It means a lot, Tara. Thank you." Carmen reciprocated the smile and turned to Enid. Enid wrapped her arms around Carmen, not exchanging any words with the girl as she didn't want to make it seem like a goodbye.

"Will we see you at the fair at the Kingdom?" Alden asked her. Carmen formed a tight-lipped smile at the man, "I hope so." She hugged him. Carmen looked at Alden like a brother. Ever since he spoke to her all those years ago, even made her laugh in a time where she could hardly form a smile. She never forgot that.

"Be safe. When Daryl returns, tell him i said goodbye." Carmen nodded, getting on the horse that was now awaiting its signal to leave.

The gates of Hilltop spread open wide and Carmen galloped away on her horse. She held the reins tightly as she didn't dare look back. She heard the gates close shut, that was it. She didn't know how long she'd see some of the people within those walls for.

She travelled for the entire day, eventually reaching the halfway mark. She decided she wouldn't stop, she was dying to get home and see her people. See Carl.

Her arrival was late. It was practically pitch black when she got there, but the guard on watch duty immediately recognised her and let her inside.

Obviously the sound of the gates opening had awakened some people. One of them being Michonne. Carmen had knocked on the door of her home, being welcomed back with a warm smile. Michonne wrapped her arms around the girl, "Glad you're back. Judith has done nothing but ask about you."

Carmen laughed at her comment, soon stopping and looking at Michonne. "Where is he?"

Michonne smiled at Carmen's eagerness to see Carl. Michonne stepped aside, revealing the kitchen. She gave Carmen a little wink as she headed up the stairs.

Carmen walked into the kitchen, seeing Carl leaning on the kitchen island. He was writing something. A small lamp was on, shining directly down to the piece of paper. Carmen cleared her throat.

Carl looked up, noticing the girl. He didn't hesitate to run to the girl and wrap his arms around her waist. She smiled brightly up at him, the two sharing a kiss. That was a feeling Carmen had certainly missed while she was away.

"God, i've missed you." Carl placed a hand on her cheek, caressing her soft skin. He rubbed his thumb over the part of her cheek that was tinted pink. Carmen kissed him again, "Can't say the same about you." She giggled.

She then moved away, going to the piece of paper on the kitchen island. "What you writin'?"

Carl seemed to go quiet when she asked that. Carmen picked up the piece of paper, and once furrowed brows turned into brows of realisation. Not only that, but the tinted pink then became red. She was flustered!

𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 ⁻ ᶜᵃʳˡ ᵍʳⁱᵐᵉˢWhere stories live. Discover now