045, dead killers

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chapter forty five

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chapter forty five

THEY ARRIVED AT HILLTOP. It gave Carmen huge nostalgia as she saw the beautifully built house that she had spent many nights in while Alexandria was being rebuilt.

It looked different though, crops were growing everywhere. Carmen didn't expect to see so much land surrounding the place, it was new.

They stopped at the gates, Dianne revealing herself from behind the wall with an arrow pointing at them. "State your business."

"We're here for Rosita." Carmen responded. Siddiq butted in, "We met your messengers on the road. They told us what happened."

Dianne looked from Siddiq to the cart, "And the others?"

"They're good people looking for a home." Michonne said. "I told them Hilltop would consider taking them in."

Dianne gave Michonne a stern look, which Michonne understood. She unhooked her sword from her belt and tossed it to the ground. Carmen not far behind her actions.

Dianne eventually opened the gates, seeing many familiar faces that she had missed.

Michonne approached Tara, beginning to talk to her about Jesus. Turns out he was out with a search party looking for Eugene, another person who had gone missing.

"Tara?" Carmen appeared from behind Michonne, seeing the familar face of someone she was so close to. Her hair was long now, she looked different. Tara didn't hesitate to open her arms and let Carmen in for a hug.

Carmen's eyes then went towards the one person she had missed the most. Enid. "E?"

Enid smiled, her eyes beginning to gloss. "Hey, Cam." Carmen swung her arms around the girl's neck, the two hugging for a while. A lot of laughter and tears went into that hug, until Enid pulled away. "Come with me. I'll show you to Rosita."

Carmen followed Enid, walking into an infirmary that Carmen had been in once too many times before. She saw Rosita, her black hair once tied up in braids now unbraided and resting on a pillow.

Rosita was still unconscious, a bandage on her head and on her arm. Carmen sat down beside her, holding her hand. "She's gonna be okay, right?"

"Yeah. She was unconscious when she arrived, but she's gonna be okay. It was just dehydration and heat exhaustion, mainly." Enid explained. Carmen nodded, rubbing her thumb over Rosita's hand.

The door to the infirmary opened, a man with brownish black hair and brown eyes walking through. "Sorry, i didn't realise she had visitors."

"Who are you?" Carmen asked him, standing on her feet to face him. He furrowed his brows, almost like he was offended she didn't know who he was.

"I'm Tommy. I found Rosita in the woods before i met those guys, Aaron and Jesus, i think they're called." Tommy smiled politely. "What's your name?"

"Carmen. Carmen Espinosa. Rosita is my sister." Carmen eyed him, looking up and down at him. As much as he hadn't done anything wrong, Carmen didn't like him. "You don't gotta be here, i can take care of her now."

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