019, the hiltop

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chapter nineteen

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chapter nineteen

RICK AND A FEW others were going to see if what Jesus was talking about actually existed. Carl and Carmen were both offered to go, but only Carmen said yes. Carl was going to stay back and keep Alexandria safe, that's how it always was now.

"Rick, wait up! I'm coming." Carmen smiled, as she ran towards Rick. "You changed your mind?" Rick chuckled.

"Yeah. Carl's gonna stay back. I wanna come with you guys. If this guy is bullshitting, then he is not gonna be very happy when he finds out who he's fucking with." Carmen nodded.

"Watch your language." Rick scolded. "Oh, c'mon. I'm literally turning sixteen in like a week, cut me some slack." Carmen rolled her eyes.

"Okay, okay." Rick held his hands up in surrender, he opened the door to the RV. "Bye, cowboy." Carmen threw a wave towards Carl as she stepped inside.

"Let's chew up some asphalt!" Abraham yelled from outside the RV. Calling in Maggie, Rick and Daryl.

They were on the road, Maggie was sleeping next to Glenn, and Abraham was staring straight at the two.

"Hey." Abraham caught Glenn's attention, but also catching Carmen's. "Can i ask you a question?"

"Sure." Glenn nodded, his hand on Maggie's stomach. She had recently found out she was pregnant, and Carmen couldn't believe it when they told her.

Abraham inched closer to Glenn and whispered something, something inaudible to Carmen's ears.

She then looked over to where Rick and Michonne were driving, Rick placed his hand on Michonne's knee, Michonne placing her hand on Rick's.

Carmen looked at them as parents. She had Abraham, she had Glenn and Maggie, now she had Rick and Michonne. Everyone of them in that group was a part of her.

She loved them all.

Then her attention snapped back when Jesus spoke to her.

"Hey, kid." He called out. "What?" Carmen asked, a slight annoyance in her tone.

"How old are you?"

"I'm sixteen in about a week." She responded. Carmen's birthday was coming up very soon, she was really excited, especially since last years birthday wasn't that fun since she was in a truck driving to Washington.

Jesus hummed in response, "Sixteen? You seem a little dangerous for a sixteen year old girl."

"Okay, listen, Christ our Lord and Saviour. My age doesn't define how dangerous i am, or how brutal i can be. 'Cause when the time comes, if you're bullshitting, i'll put a bullet through your head with no hesitation at all. We good?"

"Yes ma'am." Jesus nodded, shutting up for the rest of the drive there.

"Yo, Rick. What's going on?" Daryl shouted as the tires of the RV began to squeak due to the slowing down.

𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 ⁻ ᶜᵃʳˡ ᵍʳⁱᵐᵉˢWhere stories live. Discover now