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chapter eighteen

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chapter eighteen

TWO MONTHS. Two months had passed, and everyone was back on their feet, they were happy. Carl and Carmen had been in a relationship for a while now, which Carl was very proud of and he made that clear.

Carmen was currently in her room, deciding on her outfit. She had draws filled with clothes, and that was the problem, she had too many at this point.

The only thing she had picked out so far, was the towel she was wearing around her body.

She had finally decided. She was gonna wear some jeans with a white tank top and a flannel. She put on her converse, which were very far from clean and tied the laces.

"Roz, i'm going out." Carmen called towards her sister sat in the living room of the house, with Tara.

"Okay, Coco." Rosita called back, Carmen then running out of the door to go to Carl.

She made her way to their house, which was literally right next door, as she ran up the steps and through the front door.

Normally a civilised human would knock on the door before entering a home that isn't theirs, but Carmen didn't care, she would've found a way to get inside other than knocking.

She ran up the stairs of the house, to see Michonne and Rick talking. "Hey, guys." Carmen smiled.

"Carmen how did you—"

"Door was open." Carmen shrugged.

"Carl, your girlfriends here!" Rick announced, the boy opening his door and walking out, a smirk on Rick's face.

"Ha. Ha. Just cause you don't have one." Carmen joked, pulling a face towards Rick as she was met with Carl.

"Hey." She smiled. "Hi." He smiled back, swinging his arm around Carmen's shoulder. "You ready to go?" He asked.

"Yup. All ready." Carmen nodded, a small chuckle coming from Michonne and Rick. "What?" Carl inquired, not getting what they were laughing at.

"You two are just so adorable." Michonne was obviously joking, by the fact that she grabbed the side of Carmen's cheeks.

"Okay, goodbye now!" Carl exclaimed, dragging Carmen with him down the stairs, the laughs of Rick and Michonne becoming faint.

"You know, with the amount of times you've been here or stayed over night, you might as well move in." Carl laughed.

"Should i actually? Like on a serious note?" Carmen questioned, beginning to consider the idea. "I think Roz would let me."

"I mean, if you want. I would have to talk to my dad though." Carl shrugged with a smile. "I'll talk to Roz about it later." Carmen informed him.

The couple made their way out the gates, going to the small spot that they had been going to almost everyday for the past six months.

"You know, i think i might cut my hair." Carmen suggested as they walked through the woods. "How short we talking? You gonna go bald?" Carl joked, making himself laugh.

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