030, for the people

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chapter thirty

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chapter thirty

TODAY WAS THE DAY. They were getting ready to fight Negan and The Saviours. End it once and for all.

Carmen was dressed in a white button up top with black jeans and a red flannel. She had the golden heart necklace on which Abraham had given her for her birthday.

They had explosives set up, cars in certain places, everyone had at least one gun and one knife in their holsters. Some guns too big for the holsters.

Carmen and Carl kneeled beside each other, two big assault rifles in their hands, the same ones as when they raided oceanside.

They all awaited the arrival of the saviours, hopefully waiting for Sasha to be there too.

"Rosita. Get into position. I'll signal you. And the walls gonna hold?" Rick looked down to Rosita, her nodding.

"It'll hold."

Vehicles began to approach Alexandria, the familiar voice ringing through Carmen's ears as he spoke, "All points are covered. Every contingency is already met. I come armed with two barrels of the truth. A test is upon you, and i'm giving out the cheat sheet."


"H—Hello. I come salved with the hope it is my dropped knowledge that you heed. Options are zero to none. Compliance and fealty are your only escape. Bottom-lining it, you may thrive, or you may die. I sincerely wish for the former for everyone's sake. The jig is up and in full effect. Will you comply, Rick?"

"Traidor." Carmen whispered in Spanish, Carl gathering by the similarities of the word in Spanish and English by what she said.

"Where's Negan?" Rick called out to Eugene, you could tell by his voice that he felt betrayed by Eugene.

"I'm Negan." Eugene responded, lowering the microphone he was once speaking through.

Carmen closed her eyes and sighed, he saw what Negan did, he saw how he treated people, yet he still went and worked with the man.

Rosita looked to Rick, he nodded. Signalling that now was the time to press the button, explode the trucks.

Rick got down, but nothing happened.

Then Carmen realised exactly what was going on. They had been played. When she cocked her gun, the barrel of another gun hit the back of her head. Carl, too.

Carl and Carmen looked to each other, "We've been played." Carmen closed her eyes again, she wondered if what Dwight had said was actually true, if he was sorry, if he meant it.

"You ever heart the one about the stupid little prick names Rick who thought he knew shit but didn't known shit and got everyone that he gave a shit about killed? It's about you." Negan pointed towards Rick, "You're all gonna wanna put your guns down now."

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