7. Hufflepuffs

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I do not own Harry Potter ... but if I did, Cedric's middle name would be Edward 


Bel had made quick introductions with the circle of people immediately around her.

Opposite her was the ginger haired girl who was sorted first. Susan Bones.

To her right was a third year named Cedric Diggory. He had offered her his hand to shake and been the first to welcome her to their house.

To her left was another boy in her year. Oliver Furley. He had a messy cloud of light brown curls on his head with brown eyes that perfectly matched the colour of soil.

Each time someone new was sorted, Bel joined in with the eruption of cheers to welcome someone else to her house.

It was as though she was already a part of her new family.

And she was proud to be.

Amongst all the cheering she even forgot all about her friends sat on the table across from her.

But every time someone was sorted into Gryffindor, she was swiftly reminded.

"I wonder when we get to eat?" Oliver whispered to Bel as the final person was sorted into Ravenclaw.

"I don't know but I hope it's soon", Bel whispered back, causing the boy to smile and nod in agreement.

Just as their brief interaction ended, the sound of a glass being banged against echoed throughout the hall, bringing everyone to silence.

"Your attention please", the woman who had conducted the sorting ceremony called out as Dumbledore rose up from his seat yet again.

"Let the feast begin!" he called out before clapping his hands together and extending them out in front of him.

Suddenly, the tables were covered in plates of various foods.

Bel felt her mouth fall open and she gazed at the incredible sight before her.

Back at the orphanages, the only foods they were allowed were green, brown, or grey.

Even during Christmas, the closest they ever came to a feast like this was a singular slice of turkey.

"You better hurry up and get a plate or all the nice stuff will be gone", Cedric said to Bel as she had been in too much shock to process all of the other students reaching forward and filling up their own plates.

Bel nodded and licked her lips before placing some chicken and potatoes on her plate.

"You can have as much as you want, you know?" Cedric added, taking notice of the tiny portions Bel had helped herself too.

"We were told not to be greedy back at the orph- ... back where I was from", Bel said before stopping herself short.

Her coming from orphanages her entire life isn't exactly something she wanted to share with everyone.

Cedric sent her a small smile of acknowledgment before reaching over and placing more food on her plate for her.

Bel smiled back at him and started to dig into the first proper meal she ever had.

"Your sorting went on for quite a while there", Oliver spoke to her as he swallowed a mouthful of chicken.

"It did, didn't it", Bel replied.

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