95. Punches and Hugs

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I do not own Harry Potter ... but his name should be Harry ThirdWheeler considering the scene with Ron and Hermione (don't worry tho, Bel is here to fix that)


It seemed to Bel as though Harry was on two sides of an extreme scale.

He looked desperate to talk to her, but also desperate to keep his mouth closed at the same time.

That was the impression she got when she met up with her three Gryffindor friends just outside of their common room after she had gotten changed out of her uniform into some much more comfortable clothes.

What she didn't know is that Harry did really need to speak with her.

His Divination lesson earlier that day resulted in a rather terrifying experience with Professor Trelawney.

She had told him about something that was going to happen that very night.

Something bad.

Something involving innocent blood being spilt.

Something about servant and master being reunited once more.

Something about the unknown becoming known.

But Harry also really didn't want to raise it at the current moment.

Buckbeak was about to be killed, and Bel certainly didn't need anything more troubling her than that.

She had just been taken away from danger, how could he be the one to pull her back into it?

So, he kept his mouth firmly shut, only offering words of comfort should she need it.

"How are you feeling, Bel?" Hermione asked her as they walked through the corridors.

"How are you feeling?" Bel asked in turn.

"Terrible", Hermione replied.

"Helpless", Ron added.

"Angry", Harry also said.

"Put all of those together and triple it ... then you're around about how I'm feeling", Bel muttered, keeping her eyes dead ahead.

Hermione linked her arm through hers as they continued walking, nobody saying another word.

When they reached the courtyard, Bel heard a scraping sound coming from behind the stone fountain.

With furrowed eyebrows, she picked up her pace so that herself and Hermione were walking in front of Harry and Ron.

What she saw made her blood boil.

The executioner was sat on a fallen tree trunk, sharpening a large axe, with a very eery smile upon his face that was hidden behind a black mask.

Bel's pace slowed to a stop as she felt her anger begin to rise again, staring daggers at the executioner, praying that he would suddenly catch on fire.

If only she hadn't been trained so relentlessly.

Two years ago, and that might have actually been a possibility.

However, nowadays, Bel had learnt to control her power and to keep her 'accidents' from occurring.

But before she could actually cast any sort of spell consciously, Hermione pulled her along by her arm, Ron and Harry both gently pushing her forth on either shoulder.

Bel shook them all off her as she kept walking, the three now trailing behind her.

"I can't believe they're going to kill Buckbeak. It's just too horrible", Hermione was the first one to speak as the group of four made their way along a wooden bridge.

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