68. The Knight Bus

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I do not own Harry Potter ... but I wish the Knight Bus was real because let me tell you something about the traffic in London ... it's NOT ON


Harry had kept walking until the entire sky was completely shrouded in darkness.

The only thing keeping his sight in place were the dull streetlamps to either side of him.

He was so enraged that he didn't quite notice just how far he had walked from the Dursley's house.

He hadn't even stopped to think of just what his plan was now.

Technically, he was homeless for the next few days, and even then, he needed to find a way to get to Platform 9 ¾ to catch the train.

There was nothing around him to pull him from his angered state, however. Not a single car or person, not even a breeze in the air.

But what ended up interrupting him was the sound of a dog barking.

It had stopped Harry in his tracks, as he finally took in just where he was.

Ahead of him was a roundabout, beside the road a playground.

He had been walking right in the centre of the road, and so Harry moved onto the pavement, taking a seat on the damp floor below one of the streetlamps to try and think things through.

What on earth was he going to do now?

That was the extent of his thinking.

The light from the post above him started to flicker just as the lights had done in the house earlier.

Harry looked up to see that it kept flickering before the light went out and a strong gust of wind started to pick up around him.

The sounds of the playground moving behind him made him turn around. The swings were swinging as though ghosts were on them.

Harry couldn't help but think if he was the cause of all this too.

That only panicked him more.

Using magic outside of school was strictly prohibited.

Would he be expelled from Hogwarts?

Did he really have no home anymore?

Surely the Ministry would understand after the many meetings they had with Bel when she first came to Hogwarts.

Wandless magic, as he now knew, was unpredictable and quite uncontrollable.

Besides, he didn't do anything dangerous.

But he didn't have time to dwell on that either.

A snapping noise of some broken twigs sounded out in front of him, causing Harry to quickly spin his head back around.

Across the road, amongst some dark bushes sat a creature.

He couldn't quite make it out, it was far too dark.

All he could see was a pair of gleaming eyes staring back at him before he heard a low growl.

What followed was barking, and the sight of sharp teeth bared in his direction.

Harry instinctively stood up, pulling out his wand and pointing it towards the creature.

But he was thrown back against the pavement out of nowhere.

And a bright light shone out, accompanied by the sound of a horn honking.

Harry looked to his right only to see a large purple bus coming to a stop where he was now lying.

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