12. Levitation

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I do not own Harry Potter ... but if I did Scorpius and Albus would be endgame in Cursed Child


"Tell it again, from the start. Every. Single. Detail", Riley insisted as a group of four Hufflepuffs sat in the corner of their common room.

Friday had been the day of their Astronomy and Herbology classes in the morning, with the evening off for exhausted first years.

Nothing of importance happened, which Bel appreciated considering the chaos that she had experienced so far.

The only thing of note was that she absolutely loved both Astronomy and Herbology. She had always been intrigued by the stars, and as a Hufflepuff who loves nature she was always destined to be a fan of Herbology.

But it was during this evening off that Bel had been bombarded by her friends with questions about what happened with the troll the night before.

"I've told you this story more times than is necessary. You surely know it by heart now, Ry", Bel complained to her enthusiastic friend.

"I just need to hear one more time how you took down a fully grown troll and saved the arses of three Gryffindors", Riley pushed back.

"That last part I also would like to hear again. How did they seem? Annoyed that they weren't the ones to have done it? Angry that we got five house points and they didn't?" Tia chimed in as she lay on her front, her legs lifted up behind her as she rested on her elbows.

"I've told you already, Tia. Harry and Ron both helped me take down the troll, we were all awarded five house points and no, they didn't seem annoyed in the slightest. Just relieved that we didn't get smashed to a pulp by a mountain troll", Bel said which earned small giggles from Ollie and Riley and an eye roll from Tia.

"Did I hear you say the word troll? A-ha. Telling that same story again are you, May?" Cedric Diggory exclaimed as he entered the common room, walking up to Bel and ruffling her hair.

Over the past week, Bel had formed a very older-brother, younger-sister bond with the third year Hufflepuff.

She found he took it upon himself to watch over her, even though she didn't ask him to.

He even started calling her May once she had learnt others called him Ced.

The first syllables of each of their names.

"Only because I was coerced into it by this lot, Ced", Bel said as she swatted Cedric's hand away from her hair.

The group of her three Hufflepuff friends sent Cedric mischievous grins.

"Well, you're about to be saved by the bell. Can't be late for your next lesson with Dumbledore, can you?" Cedric said as he walked through the common room and disappeared towards the dormitories.

"He's right", Bel said as she stood up from the small chair she was occupying.

"I hope it's good news!" Ollie called out from behind her.

"What? Oh, right. Yes. Me too", Bel replied as she hurried out of the common room.

She had briefly forgotten the lies she had told.

The reasons being because she was rarely dishonest.

And she hated lying to people who were her friends in particular.

But they wouldn't be her friends if they discovered the truth.

All Bel had to do was focus on these lessons with Dumbledore, get her wand under control as fast as possible, and then she could tell her friends when everything was all brushed over.

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