55. Spiders

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I do not own Harry Potter ... but I swear to God as I was writing this chapter a massive spider crawled along my floor and I freaked out


Bel was envious that Harry's dad had left him an invisibility cloak.

All her parents had left her with were abandonment issues and a note.

She could really use something like an invisibility cloak to help her with what she needed to do.

Sleep had been avoiding her.

Her eyes closed and the sight of Hermione lying petrified came into view.

Along with a few words whispered to her.

"This is your fault."

Bel had decided after trying three times to push it away that tonight wasn't going to be one for sleeping.

However, staying awake in the silent dorm as three of her Hufflepuff friends slept around her wasn't ideal.

Not to mention Gus knew something was wrong, and so the owl refused to leave her side, squawking whenever she awoke in distress.

It was a miracle that the others hadn't woken up too.

Bel knew if they did, she would be in for a fit of questions and consoling, as was the nature of her Hufflepuff friends.

But she wasn't in the mood to be consoled.

She didn't want someone trying to tell her that everything was going to be okay or to just sit back and let others take care of it.

And so, Bel had decided to go down to the common room.

The faint crackling of the wooden fire was the only sound she could hear as she comfortably sat on one of the sofas.

That was, until a voice spoke to her.

One she hadn't heard in a while.

Need my help with this one?

Bel recognised it immediately.

It was coming from her wand.

"I'm certain you would only make things worse."

Dark magic needs dealing with using dark magic.

"Dark magic is what caused one of my best friends to be petrified."

Dark magic could be the thing to reverse it.

"Why the sudden interruption? You've been rather quiet recently."

Let's just say I know something you don't know.

"Enlighten me."

It's more of a sense.

The sense I had when I chose you.

Bel chose that moment to start paying attention to the voices rambling.

She got very good at tuning it out last year, but it had caught her attention this time.

"Why did you choose me?"

You know the answer.

"Yeah, yeah, equals and everything ... got it", Bel huffed out.

She had been told the answer numerous times.

The power she somehow withheld matched the one within the wand.

Her nature directly counteracting its own allowed her to control it.

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