14. Buttercups

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I do not own Harry Potter ... but if I did Gus would feature


It's tradition for the winning house to throw a celebration of sorts after they win a quidditch match.

Usually, it is a bunch of older students who get up to all manner of things.

Things that young first year students would never even dream of doing.

But it was never an issue as there had never been first years on the teams before.

Until Harry.

But Harry Potter was not a reckless party animal.


"I saw you on Hagrid's shoulders up in the stands. That was funny", Harry said as the two friends walked side by side through the school grounds.

Harry had just finished getting changed after the match and they were on their way to see Hagrid.

He had left his binoculars with Hermione, and they needed returning.

Speaking of Hermione, her and Ron were a few paces in front of the two debating over how the rest of the quidditch games would turn out that year.

"How else were you supposed to see me cheering amongst the crowds if I wasn't at a giants height?" Bel replied with a small smile.

"I would've spotted you. You're a Hufflepuff amongst a sea of Gryffindors. It wouldn't have taken me very long. I managed to spot the golden snitch, didn't I?"

"Ah, yes. I would say congratulations again, but you've already told me ...", Bel replied as she trailed off.

"I don't want praise", the two friends said at the same time to finish Bel's sentence.

"Just like you've told me to stop thanking you for setting Snape on fire", Harry said with a small smirk.

"I didn't set him on fire! Technically I only set his robes on fire. And it had to be done, he was bewitching your broom. Slytherins really don't play fair", Bel replied.

"I think it was more than just house pride that made him do that", Harry said as his eyes stayed firmly on the path in front of them, in deep thought.

"You think he was doing it on purpose?" Bel asked.

"I don't know. But what I do know is that he's up to something."

"Maybe he just really doesn't like you and knew that if you weren't preoccupied with a crazy broomstick, you would've caught the snitch and beaten Slytherin ... just like you did", Bel reassured with a smile.

"It was just beginners' luck."

"You won't be saying that when you catch it again in the other games."

"You think I'll catch it again when we play Hufflepuff next term?"

"I know you will. But you'll be less lucky when I'm on the team. Also ... do not tell Tia I said that you would beat us. She'll hex me before I even make it to try outs", Bel replied, making Harry laugh.

"Can I ask you something?" Harry said as they turned into one of the courtyards.

Bel could feel her heartbeat quicken slightly.

It was obvious that Harry, Ron and Hermione hadn't been buying into her recent lies.

She was a terrible liar, after all.

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