8. First Day

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I do not own Harry Potter ... but if I did Hufflepuff's animal would NOT be a badger


Classes started the next day.

Bel had transfiguration with Professor McGonagall, who Bel discovered was the woman who held the sorting ceremony last night.

Potions with Professor Snape, the Slytherin head of house.

Lunch. Ollies already claimed favourite lesson.

And finally, flying. The lesson Bel was most excited for.

Breakfast was chaotic, with Riley and Bel meeting up with Ollie at the table.

Bel had seen other students of different houses sitting at different tables.

If she wanted to, it wouldn't be a problem for her to sit at the Gryffindor table where she had seen Ron, Harry and even Hermione eating.

But she wanted to make sure she would make a good impression on her friends in her house first.

After all, they were the people she would be seeing most often.

So Bel had chosen to sit at her house table surrounded by her two new Hufflepuff friends as they expressed their excitement for the day ahead.

"You three should really get going. Don't want to be late on your first day. Especially not to McGonagall's class", Cedric had told them as he left the hall himself.

Almost immediately, they got up to leave and ,surprisingly, they were joined quickly by Hermione.

Harry and Ron stayed where they were, perhaps it was in an attempt to not go after Hermione after Ron's initial and quite evident distaste towards the girl.

"Bel! Are you heading to transfiguration?" Hermione asked as she ran up to the three Hufflepuffs walking out of the Great Hall.

"Yep. Do you have it too?" Bel asked, unaware of which houses shared which classes.

"All first years have the same classes, only in a few are we split off from each other into only two of our houses sharing them", Hermione explained.

"Brilliant. I was hoping I'd have some of the same classes with you three. After being sorted into different houses I guess I wasn't sure ...", Bel trailed off.

"Don't worry. You're stuck with me all year. As well as those two idiots. It is a shame you weren't sorted into Gryffindor. No offence", Hermione said to Bel before directing her final statement to Ollie and Riley who were walking on Bel's other side.

"None taken. I'd rather be in Hufflepuff than Gryffindor any day", Riley said, her sense of house pride already shining through.

"Hermione, this is Riley and Ollie. This is Hermione Granger", Bel introduced the three.

"Nice to meet you", Ollie said as Hermione kept her eyes firmly planted on the hallway in front of them.

Eventually, they reached the transfiguration classroom which was already filled with other students taking their seats.

Seeing as Hermione only knew Bel out of the group of four, Bel and her slipped into one of the shared desks to the right of the room as Riley and Ollie sat in the one opposite them on the left.

Professor McGonagall arrived not soon after and introduced them to the subject before setting them a task of taking notes about the transfiguration alphabet.

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