52. 50 Years Ago

165 8 0


I do not own Harry Potter ... but if I did Christian Coulson's Tom Riddle would've made more appearances cause damnnnnnnn


The world around Harry was void of colour.

Everything he laid eyes on was a grotty shade of slime green or grey.

But he didn't need colour to work out where he was.

He was still in Hogwarts.

But instead of being in the warmth of the Gryffindor common room, he was now in one of the hallways.

Harry slowly and cautiously walked along the halls before rounding the corner, stopping at the foot of a stone staircase.

On one of the higher levels he saw a boy, seemingly older than him, dressed in a Hogwarts robe, staring up towards the top of the stairs.

"Excuse me", Harry started to say as he walked up the stairs, approaching the boy.

"Could you tell me what's going on here?" he added.

The boy with styled dark hair didn't even acknowledge his presence, his eyes not wavering from the top of the staircase.

"Are you Tom Riddle?" Harry then asked.

Everything was confusing him, and so he needed to stick to the things he knew.

Tom Riddle bought him here.

50 years ago.

To show him something to do with the Chamber of Secrets.

"Hello? Can you hear me?" Harry found himself asking, stopping just two steps down from the boy.

Again, he wasn't met with so much as a slight glance.

Being closer, Harry could now see a prefect badge pinned onto the boy's robe.

With the colours around him being so distorted, it was tricky to make out just what house he was prefect of.

The robes didn't help there, either.

And instead of trying and failing yet again to get his attention, Harry decided to follow the boys eyeline up the set of stairs.

He saw a range of older witches and wizards, four of which were heading down towards them, each holding a corner of a small wooden stretcher.

Both the boy and Harry watched on as the four adults walked down the stairs.

As they passed him, Harry saw what all the commotion was about.

There was a limp arm hanging out of a white sheet.

It was a body.

A dead body.

That what was on the stretcher.

"Riddle?" a familiar voice called out.

Harry turned around to see just why it was so familiar.


"Professor Dumbledore", the boy Harry was now certain was Tom Riddle replied as he made his way towards the headmaster.

"Dumbledore", Harry muttered under his breath before following after Tom.

"It is not wise to be wandering around this late hour, Tom", Dumbledore warned.

"Yes, professor. I suppose I – I had to see for myself if the rumours were true", Tom responded.

"I'm afraid they are, Tom. They are true", Dumbledore sternly said.

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