26. Changes for the Future

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I do not own Harry Potter ... but if I did there would have been compulsory therapy admitted to everyone in that school


"I need to know something. If anyone knows the truth, it's you, sir".

Bel immediately started her sentence the second she walked into Dumbledore's office, her 'don't think about it' box still held in her hands.

"That truly depends on what that something may be. I do not know the truth about everything you see", Dumbledore replied from behind his desk.

Bel took her own usual seat on the opposite side of the professor and placed the box on his desk.

"For example, I have never seen this box before. If you are going to ask about this, I think you will be disappointed in what I have to say", he continued.

"The box is mine. And I do need to talk to you about what's inside of it. But first I need to know ... what happened to ... you-know-who ... the night that Harry's parents were killed?" Bel asked.

She was still holding onto a final thread of hope that Dumbledore would tell her that Voldemort is gone.

That he didn't return from that night.

That he couldn't be the one sending her those notes.

That she wasn't in the danger she believed herself to be in.

"The answer to that is subjective. Some say that he died that night. Others say that he was weakened. Others that he is still out there, waiting for his moment to return", Dumbledore started.

"But what do you think?"

"I do not believe he is truly gone".

Her final thread was cut.

Bel could feel herself falling into a dark abyss.

One that she was scared she could never escape from.

"I think he's back", Bel said in a whisper.

"And what makes you say that?"

Bel unlocked her box as usual and turned it, lid open, to face the headmaster.

"I've been receiving notes from someone. I wasn't sure who it was. I knew it was odd because I shouldn't get any mail ... but after the first two were delivered to me I realized that it wasn't just a mistake. They were meant for me to have", Bel started to explain as Dumbledore took out each note and read them.

"They all talk about me in some way. What I've been doing at school. They also mention my family which means whoever is writing them knew them. I tried to ignore it. I told myself that they were just notes ... that they were worthless if nothing came from them. But last night, in the forest, there was a person that killed the unicorn Hagrid and I have been trying to find. That person chased after Harry and I ... Firenze managed to help us. And he said ... he said that the person we saw ... was you-know-who", Bel explained with a shaking voice.

Dumbledore didn't say a single word.

He just let Bel explain as he analysed the notes she had been receiving.

"And this morning I received that note", Bel continued as she leaned over and pointed to one of the open notes on Dumbledore's desk.

It was good to see you last night. I hope to see you again soon.

"The only two people who I could think of that would send me such notes as these that were there last night were Draco Malfoy ... or ... you-know-who. And it isn't Malfoy. I checked before I came here", Bel carried on, her entire body beginning to tremble.

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