91. First Party

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I do not own Harry Potter ... that's it. That's the tweet.


It was early March; January and February having quickly passed by.

In that time, only a few things of note had occurred.

Firstly, Buckbeak's fate was still open for interpretation.

No matter how many nights Bel spent with a book in her hands, trying to find anything for his defence, she turned up nothing.

The fact that Hermione hadn't either made her realize their chances to do so might be slim.

Her Hufflepuff friends had also tried to help out after she filled them in upon their return two months ago, but they also got nowhere.

All they had done was work on a way to bring a smile to Bel's face whenever they finished another book with no information.

Tia had suggested a variety of ways (some rather violent) to get back at Malfoy.

Although Bel would've jumped at that idea a few months ago, she had decided to let karma deal with the likes of Draco Malfoy.

She wouldn't stoop to his level, and simply decided to ignore him completely, despite the taunts he threw her way in class or in the hallways.

One time, Riley and Ollie had to hold her back by her arms when she turned for him. And when the flames on the pillars around her all ignited viciously, Bel had decided to step away.

Hopefully Buckbeak's trial wouldn't go badly, and he would simply be let off easily, as Harry, Ron, and Hermione kept trying to tell her.

Then she could rub it in Malfoy's face.

Secondly, quidditch games had been underway again.

Ravenclaw had played Slytherin in February, with Slytherin emerging victorious.

Gryffindor were set to play Ravenclaw next, with Hufflepuff playing Slytherin later on.

Thirdly, Sirius Black was still on the loose, but hadn't turned up in Hogwarts again.

Neither had any of the dementors.

Those issues remained perfectly still, as were the ones with Bel's family, in her mind.

And finally, Harry had started his anti-dementor classes with Professor Lupin.

He constantly complained to Bel about just how difficult it all was.

The fact that all he could produce was, in his words, a 'measly little shield'.

He asked her for tips on how to better his Patronus, as well as how to not feel so drained after practicing.

Bel didn't have much to offer, considering she had been trained for years to deal with such feelings and spells, but she did offer to come along to the lessons with him to get a better footing on what might help.

Oddly, Harry had quickly and rather awkwardly denied her presence.

Bel didn't really know why, but she figured it might be for the same reason she never liked him coming to watch her play quidditch.

Harry was, arguably, the best player in the school.

Whenever he would watch her play, she would be distracted on trying to prove to him that she was a good player herself.

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