36. Back to Class

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I do not own Harry Potter ... but should I write a Lockhart x Umbridge fanfic 


Bel had finally reunited with all her friends the second she returned from Professor Snape's office to the Hufflepuff common room.

Dumbledore had told her that she was more than welcome to stay in the guest wing if she wished, considering how much she had decorated the room over summer to make it her own they could no longer use it for Ministry visitors.

However, Bel decided that she wanted to stay in her Hufflepuff dorm that year.

Seeing Riley, Ollie, and Tia again was like a breath of fresh air.

She had desperately missed spending late nights with them in the common room or staying up in their dorms to play games and eat sweets.

However, the happy mood they were all in upon seeing her again quickly turned into scepticism when Bel told them the reason she wouldn't be attending the start of term feast.

Tia told her that she hadn't changed a bit in terms of being a troublemaker, but Bel explained that they really didn't have a choice but to take the car.

Riley had added to Tia's point and told Bel something had changed slightly about her. She was feistier, slightly more confrontational.

Bel had Draco Malfoy to thank for that.

He had really worn her patience so thin over summer that she had naturally found herself retaliating instead of walking away.

She was surprised it hadn't happened sooner, considering the number of bullies and foul children there were at the orphanages as she grew up.

However, if it was going to take a different kind of cruel to snap her patience, it would be a Malfoy who fit the role.

To her surprise, Tia, Riley, and Ollie all quickly dropped the incident with the car and told her she needed to get her trouble out of the way before term had officially started.

Cedric, as her school older brother, wasn't so easily swayed.

He had already warned her that he would banish her from the quidditch try outs in a few days if she got into anymore 'flying car business'.

The other thing Cedric mentioned was that his father had enjoyed her staying so much, he had invited her over for Christmas already.

Bel also loved staying at Cedric's for a few days over summer. It was the first time she had experienced a family atmosphere of warmth and love.

Much like the Weasleys, it was very different to the atmosphere of the Malfoy's.

But, as always, she knew she was needed at Hogwarts during the holidays.

However, it wouldn't hurt to ask Dumbledore when their lessons restarted for the year.

And that happened the very next day.

Her first lesson had been Herbology with Professor Sprout.

It was the only subject she was taking that year which didn't require her to use her wand.

She had chosen it because she could get away with doing poorly as her head of house was the teacher, and Riley adored the subject, so was able to help her out in return for her help with Charms or DADA.

"Morning, everyone", Professor Sprout called out as she entered one of the many large greenhouses that held all types of magical plants.

Bel, like every other student, was too engaged in a conversation with Riley and Ollie when the professor walked in.

Power and Persecution [1] || Harry Potter x OC x Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now