60. The Chamber of Secrets

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I do not own Harry Potter ... but my house keeps changing whenever I take the Pottermore test, like I swear at this stage I've been all four at one point or another (FYI I'm currently a Slytherin lmao)


The skin on Bel and Ron's hands was practically peeling off by the time they made a hole large enough to fit a person through.

In that time, Lockhart had woken up after being knocked out by Ron.

He hadn't stopped asking question after question, playing with rocks like a child, and pestering Ron and Bel for a glass of water.

"Oh, are we leaving now?" Lockhart asked once they had finally pushed through the wall of rocks to the other side.

"No. You're staying here with Ron", Bel replied as she placed her wand into her grey, ripped Hufflepuff jumper sleeve.

"You can't go by yourself!" Ron tried to argue.

"I won't be by myself. Harry is in there. And it's too dangerous for Lockhart to come too, he'll just make things worse. Not to mention that someone needs to stay behind in case things go wrong and we have to warn the professors", Bel explained in as calm a tone as she could.

"Ok", Ron said with a huge gulp.

Bel could see the fear in Ron's eyes.

It reflected her own fear.

That something had already gone horribly wrong, and she was about to walk into a room with Harry and Ginny's bodies lying in front of her.

That she would be next to go.

That the basilisk would then come for Ron and the rest of the school.

That whoever the Heir of Slytherin is would triumph, and Hogwarts would be closed forever.

But Ron's main fear was the first. His sister no longer living.

"I promise to get Ginny and Harry back. But I need you to promise me something too", Bel then said.

"No matter what happens, Harry and Ginny will get out safe. But if the same doesn't happen for me, I need you to promise me that you'll get Hagrid out of Azkaban and Dumbledore back in the school. Tell them everything that happened. Tell them the truth."

"I promise", Ron answered, his tone letting Bel know he meant it.

"But you'll make it out safe too, right?" he then added.

"I'll try my best", was all Bel could think to reply.

Going into such unknown danger left her future unwritten.

That the pen narrating Bel's life would lift off the page, never to write about what things she would both accomplish and fail to accomplish.

That she would never experience such incredible things as love and true family.

Or even horrible things as war and betrayal.

Each of those things perhaps written, now being erased as Bel walked through the hole in the wall.

Prepared to meet her end to save her friends.

As she always would.


Bel had experienced emotional rollercoasters before in her time at Hogwarts.

But none had been like the one she rode as she stepped into the Chamber of Secrets.

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