9. Flying

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I do not own Harry Potter ... but if I did Madam Hooch would feature more because Zoe Wanamaker is a queen


Bel was being honest when she said she had no idea where she was going.

Eventually, she decided to head back to the Hufflepuff common room to drop her things off before her first flying lesson.

On the way, she was staring at the piece of parchment she had just received.

You're finally here.

What did it mean?

Who had sent it?

Questions she would ask Dumbledore in a couple of days' time, to which she was almost positive she would get no answers.

She was so distracted with the piece of parchment, that she wasn't looking where she was going and walked right into someone as she rounded a corner.

"I'm so sorry ...", Bel started as she collected herself, "sir", she added as she laid eyes on one of the Professors.

He had long black robes on, and a purple turban wrapped around his head, the end of which was draped around his shoulder and ended at his chest.

"T-t-that's qu-qu-quite alright", the Professor replied.

"I wasn't looking where I was going. I have been doing that an awful lot recently", Bel said, partly to herself, remembering when she ran into Malfoy.

"Di-dis-distracted are you?" the Professor asked.

"It would seem so, sir", Bel responded.

"And w-w-why would that b-b-be?" the Professor questioned.

"I just received a rather interesting note in the mail. I don't get mail", Bel replied truthfully.

"I s-s-see. Owls don't t-t-tend to m-make mis-mistakes. It m-must have been m-meant for you".

"Yes, I agree, sir. Sorry about running into you, but I can't be late for my next lesson", Bel said as she started to walk back towards the common room.

"Of c-course. Be on the l-l-look out for m-more l-letters. Just in c-c-case", the Professor told her as she passed.

Bel nodded and continued on her path, not thinking much of the interaction.

When she should have been paying much more attention to the man she was speaking to.


By the time Bel had reached the field outside for her flying lesson, she was five minutes late.

The discussion with the Professor had put her behind and when she got to the common room, she couldn't find Ollie and Riley anywhere.

After spending way too much time searching for them, she decided to leave and practically sprinted outside.

"There you are, Miss Whitlock! I was just about to send someone out to find you", the Professor with piercing yellow eyes said to her as she ran over to the rest of the group, taking up her spot next to Ollie.

"I'm so sorry, Professor. I ... got lost", Bel lied. It had worked earlier with Harry and Ron, and she didn't see another excuse that wouldn't deduct her points.

"Well, you're here now. We can continue. Where was I?" Madam Hooch continued.

Bel looked over to where Harry, Ron and Hermione were standing on the opposite side of the two lines of students.

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