32. Her First Goodbyes

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I do not own Harry Potter ... but Harry Potter owns me


The house cup celebration dinner was taking place.

Bel was sat in her Hufflepuff robes with a black pointed hat placed on top of her head.

Cedric had made her aware at the start of the year that Hufflepuff wasn't one to win the house cup.

In reality, the actual victory was if Slytherin lost.

It didn't matter who won.

However, that victory wasn't looking obtainable.

Emerald green flags decorated the sides of the Great Hall, showcasing the Slytherin crest.

Bel had never seen such a genuine smile on Draco Malfoy until this moment.

"You really haven't learnt anything since the first time you sat at this table, have you?" Cedric said from her right as he added more food to her almost empty plate.

"I have. I'm just ... not hungry", Bel replied.

Cedric rolled his eyes with a smile before turning back to his friends.

Each person in Hufflepuff had been treading on eggshells around Bel since the night she went down into the dungeons.

The only people who treated her normally were Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

Riley, Ollie, and Tia had all really shown their Hufflepuff sides and been outrageously kind and sweet to her.

Tia hadn't even once mentioned how mad she would be at Bel for losing Hufflepuff house points for her actions.

Bel knew it was killing her not to.

All she hoped was that things would sort themselves with time, and they would go back to normal.

With Riley, Ollie, and her teasing each other, and Tia constantly threatening her emptily.

Perhaps next year will be better in that sense.

In every sense.

The sound of a piece of cutlery banging against one of the glasses sounded out through the hall, making everyone end their respective conversations and turn towards the staff table.

"Another year gone. And now, as I understand it, the house cup needs awarding", Dumbledore announced as he stood from his great golden chair.

"The points stand as thus. In fourth place, Gryffindor, with 312 points."

A very minimal applause echoed through the hall.

Bel looked over to see Harry, Ron, and Hermione holding their heads in both shame and embarrassment.

"Third place, Hufflepuff, with 352 points."

A louder applause rung out this time.

Bel saw her Gryffindor friends try their best to look happy as they clapped for her house.

"In second place, Ravenclaw, with 426 points."

Even louder cheering.

"And in first place, with 472 points, Slytherin house", Dumbledore concluded.

The Slytherin table behind Bel erupted in celebration.

It was rare to see anyone else in the entire hall clapping along with them.

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