65. No Hogwarts Without You

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I do not own Harry Potter ... but this chapter means part two is officially longer than part one


The three-day wait had passed.

In that time, Bel had some very emotional reunions.

The second she had walked back into the Hufflepuff common room, Cedric had tackled her into a hug claiming that he was never going to let her out of his sight again.

Tia had said that she was about to leave to hex Harry and Ron for the rest of their lives right before she had seen her.

Both Riley and Ollie had confirmed that statement, as well as saying they had been making cookies for her return, the flavour being Ollie's favourite.

Bel had also gone to see Ginny Weasley, the two girls hugging tightly as Bel told Ginny there was no need for her to apologise.

Ginny had told Bel that she wanted her to come and live with them at the Burrow so that she would always feel safe, but Bel had to gently decline as she knew her summer at Hogwarts with her training would be very interesting that year.

As for Fred and George, the twins had forced Bel to eat two whole tubs of chocolate ice cream at their ICCCC meeting, claiming she looked much too thin and that they would need her at full strength for their pranks next year.

The one not-so-emotional reunion was the one she had with Draco Malfoy.

The two had crossed paths in the hallway, and Bel took that opportunity to let him know she would be visiting them over summer.

All Draco had done was scoff, roll his eyes, and kept walking.

After their conversation up on the Astronomy Tower, Bel had expected to have been hexed the second she saw him, but she took it in her stride that she received that reaction.

She assumed that once they were behind closed doors, that would be what she would receive.

Dumbledore had given her the rest of the term off their training lessons to prepare for her exams, all the while making sure she kept up her wandless magic practice.

They didn't speak a single word about the Heir of Slytherin title she now had, and Bel was grateful for that.

It appeared clear that Dumbledore already knew she didn't wish for the school to know, as no one else spoke of it either.

The only time Bel would bring it up again would be when she told Ron and Hermione.

She had visited Hermione every day, telling her friend how excited she was to talk to her again and how mad she would be at her for failing to see all the obvious signs.

Bel even apologised to Hermione when Harry and Ron weren't paying attention, the small shreds of guilt she felt still seeping through occasionally.

But knowing Hermione would be okay definitely helped take some of it away.

In the current moment, Bel was seated at the Hufflepuff table during one of the schools' feasts.

Dumbledore had decided it was needed after all of the stress and attacks that had been going on, as well as to lighten the mood considering exams were right around the corner.

Bel was sat in between Cedric and Tia, the two had been very ... very protective of her the last three days.

Ollie, Riley, and Patrick were all sat opposite them, each of them filling up their plates.

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