42. Moaning Myrtle

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I do not own Harry Potter ... but it freaks me out how similar the Pevensies are to the Hogwarts founders 


Bel had been told by Cedric that Professor Sprout needed to see her the next morning.

Professor Sprout had then told her Dumbledore needed to see her.

Both instances made Bel terribly nervous.

Right now, getting called to see Dumbledore couldn't mean anything good.

And she was right.

"There's been another attack", Dumbledore told her once she had sat down in his office.

"What? Who? Are they okay? It's all my fault. I haven't been able to find the Chamber yet and –", Bel spoke quickly before Dumbledore stopped her.

"It's certainly not your fault, little one. The victim was Colin Creevey. He has only been petrified. He will be fine once Professor Sprout's mandrakes have fully grown."

Bel remembered Colin as the little boy who was obsessed with Harry.

He was only a first year.

"I was going to ask if you had made any further discoveries with the Chamber, but it appears I have my answer. And it is a perfectly fine answer to have", the headmaster continued.

Bel didn't believe his words.

It was not a fine answer to have.

She had failed to protect Colin.

Stop feeling like you could have done more when you always do more than enough.

Harry's voice sounded out in her head.

And, strangely, she relaxed slightly.

"So what now, sir?"

"I must ask you a question, Bel. Have you been hearing any voices recently?" Dumbledore asked.

Bel was slightly thrown off by his question.

"The voice in my head has been pretty quiet since last year. Other than that, I don't think so."

The person hearing voices at the moment was Harry.

Still something that confused Bel.

But since she heard voices from an evil wand in her possession, she wasn't in the position to judge.

"I see", was all Dumbledore replied.

"There has to be something more I can do, sir. Something more anyone can do to stop this from happening again."

"Unfortunately, there is not. Our best option is to keep searching for the Chamber. Until we have found it, there is no way of stopping these attacks."

The way Dumbledore spoke was new to how Bel had heard him talk before.

He seemed defeated, uncertain, desperate.

That only enhanced those feelings in herself even more.

"Do you know who might be doing this, sir? Who might have opened the Chamber, I mean", Bel asked.

Of course, she was pursuing the answer to that question herself.

But perhaps the headmaster might point her in the right direction.

"I have my suspicions. But I am unsure. You see, the question isn't who, but how."

Bel furrowed her eyebrows slightly in confusion.

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