67. Marge

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I do not own Harry Potter ... but I wonder if Marge and Umbridge would have gotten on?


Harry Potter was having a predictably horrendous summer.

Each day consisted of torments from his cousin, uncle, and aunt.

Each day he found himself missing Hogwarts.

Each day he wished to return and be reunited with his friends.

He missed them more then he could say.

Especially since they were the ones keeping him from turning homicidal on his cousin with their letters.

Both him and Bel had exchanged what felt like over a hundred letters, most going into detail about how they despised being around Dudley and Malfoy.

Harry got the impression that she was all right.

He had been worried that leaving her pretty much on her own at Hogwarts after the year they had might turn out badly.

Badly in terms of Bel getting herself into danger or letting her own mind be her worst enemy.

No one was around to tell her otherwise, and so Harry made sure to try and convey that message in his letters back to her.

Ideally, he would have seen his friends over summer. This was, of course, an impossibility due to his Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia point blank refusing to allow him any form of magic in the house.

Apparently, that extended to visitors.

But Harry had extended the offer to them anyways.

Bel had been raised in the muggle world, not to mention she really sounded as though she was suffering in the week she had to stay with the Malfoy's.

It had been rather disappointing when she had explained she couldn't visit.

Harry was unsure why he felt so saddened by her rejection instead of when Ron and Hermione said they couldn't visit either.

He figured it was because Bel had more going on, more things for him to worry about, and he had been explicitly told last year to try and keep her out of the dark.

How could he do that if they were in totally different worlds?

But the words Bel always chose never failed to put his nerves at ease and bring a smile to his face.

He had to be cautious when reading her letters, however, almost being caught a few times under his covers by his uncle late at night.

Just one of the few things that bothered him.

Being unable to do anything in peace.

He couldn't read his friends letters, take Hedwig out for a breath of fresh air, look at the book of pictures containing his mother and father, or even exist without his family making his life hell.

Staying with them only reinforced the words he had spoken to Bel last year.

That just because one is related to vile people by blood, it doesn't mean one is anything like them.

For Bel it was her blood relation to Voldemort.

For Harry it was his blood relation to Dudley.

He wasn't sure which was worse.

And if things weren't bad enough already, the visitation of his Aunt Marge made things much more terrible.

"Harry ... Harry, Harry! Open the door!"

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