81. The Locator Spell

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I do not own Harry Potter ... but there is a trigger warning for this chapter as it includes cutting so please skip forward if that might make you uncomfortable in any way <3


Why Bel had thought she would find something when Hermione couldn't was stupid.

That much was shown when Bel had spent an entire hour in the history section of the library and hadn't turned up anything of note.

How could she have?

She didn't know her parents names, or their age.

It was like trying to search for something totally invisible.

Even if it was there, you wouldn't be able to see it.

But Bel knew it was there somewhere. And that is what kept her in the library.

It was infuriating, the answers being just out of reach.

So infuriating that Bel had a small voice in her head telling her to do something she really shouldn't.

In some spell books, Bel had read about locator spells.

It involved blood magic.

Using one's blood to locate where those related to them may be.

Now, Bel knew her parents were dead, but if she could just change the spell to show her which books in the library contained information about them, it would be something.

However, it was a long shot, and she wasn't even sure it would work.

But all she had that she knew her parents shared was her blood.

She might not have their names, their ages, or any knowledge of who they were other than the fact that her father was related to Voldemort too, but she had that.

Which is why Bel found herself sat tucked into a corner of the library, in between two bookshelves.

With the Hogsmeade trip, the library was practically deserted, and so she didn't have to worry about anyone walking up to her asking what she was doing.

She was sat up on the desk, her back to the window, facing the history books.

There was a small paper knife clutched in her right hand which she had found in one of the drawers in the library for letters.

She had been sat like that for ten minutes.

Just staring at her outstretched left palm.

This was completely insane.

Why was she so desperate to find all of this out suddenly?

Just a year ago she had no desire whatsoever to find out answers about her parents.

One overheard conversation between Fudge and Dumbledore later, and here she was, prepared to draw blood to try and get answers.

But asking wouldn't get her anywhere. She was in this alone.

And all she had was her blood until she could find this man who had the information she needed.

All she wanted was her mother's name.

Maybe if she found out that, she could find who her mother knew.

And then she could finally get answers.

And then use those answers to help her.

To understand more about herself, to stop the weird whispers in her mind, to stop her wand from taking control in the future, to understand her purpose in this world more.

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