46. The Hufflepuff Chaser

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I do not own Harry Potter ... but if I did there would be NO HBO SERIES WTF IS THAT ABOUT (I could honestly go on for hours about what a waste it is to be doing a Harry Potter show instead of a marauders or founders show ... like leave the films alone they're perfect wtf are u thinking)


There were a few more days until Christmas break arrived.

The snow had cleared up due to heavy rain and, in classic English weather fashion, the weather was perfect for a game of Quidditch.

Cloudy and cool.

Which was perfect because Hufflepuff was scheduled to play Slytherin.

The final quidditch match before the end of term, and the first one that Bel had ever played.

She had forced herself to dissociate from any thoughts other than the game.

Anything about the Chamber of Secrets.

Anything about the fact that she could talk to snakes.

Anything about the heir of Slytherin.

Anything about magic at all, really.

"You'll be amazing, May. We've watched some of your practices. You're the best chaser in the school!" Ollie said as the group of Hufflepuff friends all sat around their table at breakfast.

Bel and Tia were both dressed in their yellow and black Hufflepuff quidditch uniform.

Both looked like they were about to pass out from nerves.

"You have to say that Ollie. You're my friends. And I'm not the best in the school", Bel replied as she tried to eat some food to give her energy.

"You are. But even if you deny it, you're definitely better than the Slytherin chasers", Ollie argued back.

"Let's hope so", Bel muttered.

"Ready for today, May?"

Bel looked up to see Cedric, Patrick, and Zacharias all stood opposite her in their quidditch uniforms.

"Ready as I'll ever be", Bel managed to say.

"You'll be great. I mean, we actually have formations that work now that you're part of the chaser team", Zach said.

The three chasers consisted of herself, Zach, and Winston.

They had weirdly clicked during training and were now able to work their way around the pitch close to flawlessly.

"Not to mention we have the ferocity of both Buttleshots as beaters now", Zach added.

Both Pat and Tia looked at each other and smiled.

"And we have an amazing seeker/captain who could take down that Malfoy kid in his sleep", said Pat as he bumped Cedric on his shoulder.

Bel had almost forgotten that Draco was part of the Slytherin team now.

It would make things so much worse if they lost.

She could practically hear his voice teasing her.

"We're going to do great but save your speeches for the tent. Be there in ten minutes, okay?" Cedric said to the two second years.

Both Bel and Tia nodded before the three older boys walked out of the Great Hall.

The four friends sat in a comfortable silence whilst they finished their breakfast.

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