28. Into the Trapdoor

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I do not own Harry Potter ... but if I did the whole story would be based off Harry being totally stoned and imagining all of it


Sometimes one can confuse nerves with excitement.

Currently, Bel Whitlock was doing just that.

She wasn't sure what she was feeling at all.

Of course, the situation she was about to face should make one nervous beyond measure.

But she found herself feeling exactly the same way as she did when she first entered Hogwarts School.

A situation that should make one feel excited beyond measure.

Did that mean she was excited now, or did it mean she was nervous then?

Or does it mean that she is experiencing such an overwhelming amount of emotion that she cannot seem to separate one from the other.

Bel had settled on the third option as she sat in the empty Hufflepuff common room.

She had told her friends that she was going to stay up late to study Potions, and that they shouldn't expect to see her come up to bed for some time.

Again, Hufflepuffs were easy to deceive, if need be, and so Riley, Ollie, and Tia had left her alone without any further questions.

Bel had previously gotten changed out of her uniform and into the jumper that Ron's mother had made her for Christmas, as well as her black leggings and a yellow top she had borrowed from Riley.

As she sat listening to the crackling noise of the fireplace, her mind couldn't stop racing.

She didn't know what to expect through the trap door.

It wasn't going to be anything good.

It wasn't going to be anything safe.

It wasn't going to be anything simple.

The more she thought it through, the more she noticed just how insane their plan was.

But since she was on her own, she had no one to voice these concerns too.

For that, she would have to wait. And by the time she reached her Gryffindor friends, it would be too late to turn back.

And they would all enter into the belly of the beast.

Bel was also gently cradling her wand in her hands.

All year, she had seen it as a weakness.

Something she loathed.

Something that she wanted to be rid of.

Something that would bring the danger.

But tonight, it was the very thing that would keep her from it.

"Are you going to help me?" Bel whispered.


It was a comfort to hear the voices answer.

A comfort that made her uncomfortable.

She had indeed worked hard to tip the balance of control in her favour over the past year, but each time her wand complied, she had the feeling that something was wrong.

It seemed too easy.

Even though it had been a struggle.

"Are you going to listen to me?" Bel asked.

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