66. Danger Is Here

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I do not own Harry Potter ... but POA used to be my favourite movie of all time


There was no escaping it.

No denying it.

No coveted lead up shrouded in confusion or secrecy.

No hope for happiness or joy.

Danger was coming.

It wasn't even coming.

It was here.

Mabel Whitlock had spent her summer coming to terms with this.

Her stay at Hogwarts had been running smoothly in the first week.

Duelling with Dumbledore as usual, continuing with her more advanced wandless magic practice, spending her days in her clearing, the nights in the kitchens with the elves or up in the Astronomy Tower staring into the stars.

She took great joy returning to her own private room that she had decorated last summer.

It hadn't changed as if expecting her return.

And she was more than happy to greet it again.

Bel had also made a new friend in the beginning week.

A creature of Hagrid's. A Hippogriff. By the name of Buckbeak.

It had taken exactly ten whole seconds before the creature and Bel became the best of friends.

Gus was extremely jealous, of course.

He would fly alongside the girl as she rode on the Hippogriff's back in the sky over the castle letting out the occasional disapproving squawk.

But Buckbeak didn't seem to mind.

He was a gracious creature who thrived on respect.

Bel and Hagrid seemed to be like family to him, the Hippogriff always perking up whenever he saw Bel making her way down the stone pathway to the hut.

It had become one of her favourite things to do; go flying with the creature.

It far surpassed a broom, and even competed in terms of relaxing her with her clearing in the forest.

One day she had decided to combine the two, landing the Hippogriff down in her small slice of paradise and resting against his feathered torso as she wrote her letters to her friends.

Only letters, because no matter how hard she had searched, she couldn't find a phone to call Harry on for the life of her. 

The only word she would describe those moments as were serene.

But after the first week had passed, those moments started to become scarce.

The second week was spent at Cedric's.

Well, more like the next three days.

Whilst she loved spending time with both her school brother and his father, the two treating her as family, her stay was cut short with a letter from Dumbledore demanding she return to the school.

Bel instantly knew that something was wrong.

Dumbledore was just as excited as she was for her to spend time with the Diggory's.

He knew she deserved a joy-filled summer considering the information she had learnt and the events of last year.

The only reason he would pull her away from that would be if something terrible had happened.

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