87. Weasle-Bee

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I do not own Harry Potter ... but I loved the foreshadowing of Hermione squaring up to Draco in this scene like get it girl


Harry and Bel had arrived at Honeyduke's cellar in no time.

They did have to be rather careful walking on the icy floor, trying their best to stay off the snow to not leave evident footprint that would catch the attention of anyone walking past them.

It had resulted in Bel slipping a few times, Harry even putting his free hand around her waist to catch her from falling once.

It had gotten quite warm under the cloak after that, despite the cold weather.

And it hadn't happened again.

But what had happened is Fred and George hadn't tricked them.

The passageway they took out of the castle led straight to a stone panel which, when Harry and Bel pushed it open, came out right in the middle of the cellar of the notorious sweet shop.

After waiting for a staff member to leave, the two friends jumped up through the floor and quickly wrapped the cloak around themselves once again.

As they made their way up the wooden steps towards the main part of the shop, Harry knocked over a box of lollipops, Bel telling him that he has to stop being so clumsy otherwise they'll get themselves caught.

Harry had also stopped them at the top of the staircase.

"What are you doing? Someone could open the door and we'd fall right down", Bel whispered as she watched Harry lean over towards another cardboard box filled with sweets.

"Here", Harry said, holding out an apple shaped packet.

"These are my favourite!" Bel exclaimed, taking the green apple flavoured sweets from him with a grin.

"I know", Harry replied with a smile of his own before the two carefully opened the door, the boy leaving a single sickle in place of the sweets as to not steal.

The shop was very busy.

Students and local witches and wizards were stacked in there eating and buying all kids of sweets and chocolate.

Bel even spotted Neville sat in the corner of the shop, about to take a lick of a large red lollipop.

Unfortunately, he didn't get the chance, as Harry reached forward and grabbed it on their way out, causing the Gryffindor boy to look very confused as he watched his lollipop float away from him and out the door.

"Where to first?" Bel asked as they made their way around the side of Honeydukes, taking off the cloak so that Harry could eat his newly acquired sweet.

"You decide", Harry replied as he grinned widely, looking around the corner at the village.

"How about we go and find Ron and Hermione?" Bel proposed, taking out the packet of sweets from her pocket.

"Really? I mean ... we could do something else first. You know, just the two of us?" Harry replied.

Bel put one of the green apple flavoured sweets in her mouth, savouring the sweet and sour nature of it against her tongue as she looked at her friend with furrowed eyebrows.

Before she could respond, Harry quickly kept talking.

"Just because we have to stay under this cloak. It might look weird if we went into shops with them. They'd look like they were talking to thin air. It could be easier if we just ... did what we wanted. And then went to find them."

Power and Persecution [1] || Harry Potter x OC x Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now