105. Keep It

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I do not own Harry Potter ... but RIP Michael Gambon. I am devastated that he's gone ... writing Dumbledore won't be the same now :(


The third year of Bel's time at Hogwarts came to a close on a Friday at the end of June.

Emotional goodbyes were something she still wasn't fond of.

The process of separating from her friends for the summer would never fail to make her feel like the old Bel.

The little girl who was alone.

Forced to be raised in orphanages where there had only ever been one person she could call a friend.

Away from truth and answers about who she was.

Suffering from the cruelty of not only the children around her but the adults running the places too.

There was a time in her first year where Bel thought that life was a better one than the one she was dealt in the Wizarding World.

But now, as Bel sat in her dorm room, her friends all rushing around packing up their final bits and pieces to go home, she glanced out of the window and knew that thought was one she would never have again.

The wizarding world now had an unbreakable tie to her heart.

A tie that couldn't be broken no matter how much danger she was put in or how much she had to sacrifice to live up to her duties.

Bel had found friends there that she would keep for life.

And she had found her mother after all these years.

Speaking of, Bel had recently found herself in a strange state of grieving.

She never really grieved the loss of her parents when she first discovered their fate that day Dumbledore took her from St Hildens.

It was more the idea of a family she sought after.

But now she knew who her mother was, Bel could picture that idea in her mind.

Days spent out in her clearing with Willow Brodwick as they tended to all sorts of little fluffy creatures.

Moments where her mother would have been there to defend her and stand by her no matter what.

Late at night when Bel suffered from her nightmares, her mother, with that calming smile and soft eyes, could have snuggled up next to her and whispered stories of when she was a baby.

Stories of herself and Harry playing together with Remus and Sirius watching over them.

Stories of how brave she was in the war.

Stories of how her and Lily Potter had been the best of friends during school.

Stories about what a horrible man her father was and how they're glad to have him out of their lives.

It would have been just the two of them as mother and daughter.

Tackling the challenges Bel now had to face on her own.

And so, the daughter left without a mother grieved.

She grieved for those words that would never be spoken. The fact that she would never get to speak to her mother.

She grieved for all the moments they could have shared together, now floating just out of reach. A possibility that could never become reality.

It was easier, back when Bel didn't know anything about her mother.

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