76. Bloody Chicken

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I do not own Harry Potter ... but I'm debating seeing Cursed Child again before the cast changes however I have no money


Another three sharp whistles came from Bel to signal Buckbeak to land.

She felt a slight pinch of sadness that she had to do so.

Ending the flight.

Bel always felt so free up in the air, most likely why she loved being up high.

It distanced you from everything. Literally.

And she was one who enjoyed finding places to escape to, away from the chaos that plagued her life at Hogwarts.

Bel had also discovered something whilst up in the sky.

The effect of Harry Potter.

As with her clearing, Bel attributed the moments she had felt most peaceful and joyous to when he was there with her.

After all, the memory she focused on when casting her Patronus was of the two of them talking there.

She had a feeling that she would soon be replacing that memory with the one she just made.

Of her and Harry cheering loudly as they flew over the lake.

As they came to land, she heard the cheers of some of their classmates below.

Some were congratulating them, some were saying how wicked it was to watch, some were saying how it was their turn next.

"Well done you two. And well done Buckbeak!" Hagrid called out as Buckbeak's legs hit the ground.

Once the hippogriff had fully come to a stop, Harry carefully slid down his torso, landing on the ground heavily.

Bel lifted her left leg to swing it around to join her right one, preparing herself to jump down off Buckbeak's back.

When she glanced down, she was met with Harry offering her his hand to help her down.

With a sheepish smile, Bel accepted, taking his hand gently and using it to transfer some of her weight, allowing her to get down from the creature with ease.

The two spent the final seconds staring at each other, not wanting their experience in the sky to be over quite yet.

They both knew moments like that were scarce in their lives.

And in the back of both of their minds still loomed the omen of death warning from that morning.

Hagrid was the one to snap them out of it, his voice speaking causing both Harry and Bel to let go of each other's hands.

"How am I doin' me first day?" he said in a whisper to them both.

"Brilliant, professor", Harry replied with a smile, Bel nodding beside him.

Hagrid bashfully glanced down to the ground.

"And so is your assistant", Harry added, turning to Bel.

Bel quickly looked in Harry's eyes, but as she felt an unexpected heat rising in her face, she glanced away just as Hagrid had.

From across the open patch of forest, one Slytherin had been watching the entire interaction unfold.

See, a twig under Harry's shoe wasn't the only thing that had snapped during the lesson.

Something inside of Draco Malfoy snapped too.

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