Chapter 05: At The Market

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Narrator's POV

Camila went to the farmers' market after taking a bath. She went there herself since Lucy and her mother could not join her as they usually did. It was not a problem since Camila loved spending her time by herself. She also loved the Sunday Farmers' Market since there were many fresh food and artistic and unique stuff at a decent price.

Walking around the farmers' market, Camila looked happy. She stopped to get things that her mother asked her to buy. She also called Lucy when she bought and ate their favorite sweets. After spending more than an hour, Camila decided to go home. When she started the car, her mother called and asked her to buy a few more things.

Camila did not mind as she could use another round at the market and got more snacks. She walked back to the market. She stopped at the fruit stall to get some apples. She was taking her time choosing the apples. She was a little playful in her world and not paying attention to her surrounding. She selected the apples like she was choosing a puppy to adopt.

Her little joy was disturbed when her hand and another customer's hand landed on the same apple at the same time. "Sorry!" She said, slightly looking at the person who wanted to take the same apple with her. Camila wanted to continue choosing her apple, but she stopped when she realized the person next to her said nothing. She checked through her peripheral vision and saw the person next to her in black was looking at her.

She froze when she finally took in the scent. It was so familiar, but she could not tell who she was. She slowly turned her head to the left to find the answer. She slowly looked up as the person was way taller than her. She gapped, and the apple in her left hand fell off when she found out who the person standing next to her was.

Camila gulped as their eyes locked. Although the woman had her sunglasses on, Camila could tell the woman was looking straight into her eyes. Camila did not think further. She only knew she had to get out of there. She turned around and walked fast, leaving the fruit stall. She sped up her pace. She looked back to check if the woman was following. She felt a bit relieved when she was not. She ran and turned in the other direction.

Camila walked to another side of the street and decided to stop at her and Lucy's favorite place to stop whenever they visited the market. Camila settled in one of the tables inside the restaurant. She sighed. She calmed herself down. She ensured the woman was not following her before she ordered her lunch. When Camila had calmed down. She enjoyed her lunch and laughed at herself for running away from the woman as she was running for her life.

It was right after she finished her meal, Camila's eyes could not get any bigger when she saw who was walking into the restaurant. She hurriedly took her stuff and ran further into the restaurant, to the backdoor. Luckily, the owner knew her, so she paid for her lunch in the kitchen and left through the backdoor without saying anything. She ran back to where her car was.

"What day is today!?" Camila exclaimed, settling in her car seat. Camila could not believe why she should meet the woman at one of her favorite places on her favorite day, doing her favorite things.

Camila did not start her car immediately, but she made sure she had locked her car, and nobody was following her. She leaned on the steering and calmed herself down again, for the second time today. When she was calm, she was ready to drive home. She started the car but stopped when a few apples fell from the bag on the passenger seat next to her. Looking at the apples, she realized she had run away from the fruit stall with the unpaid apples.

"Camila!" She sighed. She drove away to find another stop which was closer to the fruit stall. She had to pay for the apples she took. Camila fingers-crossed that the woman did not show up again for the third time. If the woman did, Camila would pay for the apples next week.

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