Chapter 29: Asked Her

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Narrator's POV

Camila finally woke up when she heard Lauren answering the phone. She slowly opened her eyes and found herself sleeping on and hugging Lauren. She felt Lauren lightly caressing her head while talking. She wanted to turn to the other side so she would not feel awkward waking up but stopped when she felt her leg on Lauren's private part. She bit her lip when she felt it was not soft but harder than it had been.

Lauren ended the call and kissed Camila's head. "Good morning!"

"Good Morning!" Camila answered with her raspy morning voice.

"Look at the rain!" Lauren said.

Camila slowly moved her head and looked at Lauren, who was looking out of the window. She looked out the window. She did not say anything but she enjoyed looking at the forest view. The rain made it even better. Lauren made Camila lay her head on her chest again to enjoy the morning rain view in the forest.

Camila was looking at the rain and lost in her thoughts. It was still raining. She probably still had to stay here until the rain stopped. She missed her mother. She missed her home. She felt like she had an extended summer vacation but without the summer weather. Camila had no choice but stuck here. It meant she would spend more time with Lauren. She subtly sighed thinking she could not run away from Lauren.

Camila had done what she should not have done: to sleep with Lauren. At this point, when she had slept with Lauren and given her virginity away to Lauren, she could not undo it. She had started, no reason to stop while she was here. She was thinking of just giving in, to let whatever happened between them happen. Lauren had saved her life and treated her well these days. So, She would give what Lauren wanted while she was here. She would let Lauren do what Lauren wanted as long as it was not harmful.

Lauren heard Camila's subtle sigh. She looked at Camila.

"What are you thinking?" She caressed Camila's hair while looking down at her.

"No." Camila looked at Lauren in the eyes.

Lauren stopped caressing Camila's hair and looked in the eyes. She could read it but she did not want to. She wanted Camila to share what she was thinking.

"It's still raining..." Camila finally said, "I can't go home yet."

Camila was saddened. She enjoyed staying at Lauren's place despite being conflicted all the time. She had a luxury room, designer clothes, delicious meals, many interesting books, and whatever she needed would be taken care of for her with five-star service.

"You miss your mother and home?" Lauren caressed Camila's face.

"Yeah..." Camila looked away from the window. She was emotional, holding her tears.

"The rain won't last forever," As much as she wanted Camila to stay, Lauren hoped the rain would stop soon.

Lauren kissed Camila's forehead and engulfed her. She did not want to see Camila cry. If Camila wanted to cry, she would let her cry in her arms. Camila let Lauren be her big spoon. They were hugging, enjoying the silence, and looking at the falling rain outside the window.

Lauren's hand went under Camila's brown sweater, caressing Camila's underboobs.

"Lauren, stop..." Camila asked when she felt Lauren's hand started circling her nipple.

Lauren leaned down and kissed Camila on her neck while her hand was caressing and playing with Camila's boobs and nipples. Camila subtly moaned ser her body moved enjoying Lauren's caresses.

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