Chapter 55: The One

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Narrator's POV

Friday late afternoon, after walking through the supermarket aisles and getting all she needed, Camila headed to check out her things. Finished checking her things out, she walked out of the supermarket. Wearing an oversized white jacket with sunglasses, Camila slowly walked to the parking lot where her blue car was. She enjoyed every step, enjoying the spring breeze. The weather was no longer cold. Spring had replaced the winter. She put her groceries in her car before she got into the driver's seat.

Camila froze when she looked ahead after switching her engine car on. She saw a woman who was no stranger to her, standing in front of her. Their eyes met even though Lauren was still with her shades on. Camila subtly gulped when Lauren took off her sunglasses, looking at Camila with her piercing green eyes. She did not know what Lauren wanted. She could not read Lauren's mind as she never knew how to do it and never wanted to know about it. Meanwhile, Lauren did not want to read Camila's mind for privacy reasons.

Although they did not say a word, Camila unconsciously got what Lauren wanted. It made her get out of the car. She opened the door, holding the door of the car, Camila looked at Lauren, whom she had not seen since last summer. They were looking at each other. Lauren seemed lost looking at Camila, who she missed so much.

"What do you want?" Camila asked, her tone was flat.

"It's tomorrow!" Lauren said.

Camila said nothing. She knew what Lauren meant. It was the wedding of Lauren and Alexa, at the beginning of spring, two weeks after Camila's birthday.

"Congratulations to you!" Camila said and got back into her car. She closed the car door and was ready to leave, but Lauren did not move away.

Camila honked her horn at Lauren, who was standing in her way, but Lauren did not move. Camila sighed heavily. She took the small gun out of her purse before she got out of the car. She did not point the gun at Lauren. She was just holding it by her side.

"Move away!!" Camila urged.

"It just takes one word from you. I will cancel it." Lauren's eyes did not leave Camila even for a second.

Camila's demeanor changed from nervous to annoyed. She looked away. She thought Lauren would peacefully marry Alexa and leave her alone for real. She looked back at Lauren.

"Move out of my way!" Camila pointed the gun at Lauren.

Lauren was taken aback. She did not know Camila possessed a gun, but she was not surprised knowing Camila was low-key seeing and hanging out with Dakota. Looking at how Camila held the gun and pointed it at her, Lauren could tell Camila knew how to use it. She was glad that Camila got it to protect herself. On the other hand, she did not like it when Camila used it to protect herself from her.

"You know how many bullets I can take." Lauren knew Camila would not shoot her, besides a few bullets would not kill her. She slowly moved toward Camila.

"Leave!" Camila warned Lauren as she put her finger on the trigger.

It did not stop Lauren, but Lauren halted when Camila pointed the gun at her own head. Lauren was not sure if Camila would shoot herself, but she did not want to take the risk as Camila's finger was on the trigger.

"Fine!" Lauren said calmly. Lauren was weak for Camila. Camila seemed to know how to handle her. "Put the gun down! You can shoot me but not yourself!" Lauren moved a fews steps back.

Camila's eyes softened. She moved her finger away from the trigger but she kept watching Lauren.

"I just want to see you before tomorrow," Lauren said.

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