Chapter 08: At South Hill

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Narrator's POV

Camila finished her dissertation on the third week of the summer holiday. She was happy that she could finish it on time. She was also relieved that Laure did not show up anymore after she bumped into her and got thrown on the ground that day. Camila also did not see Lauren at the farmers' market, or anywhere she went. Now, Camila was ready to enjoy her summer holiday freely. She was ready to enjoy her summer holiday utmost, doing what she loved: swimming, hiking, sleeping late, going to the market and city for food, reading books, and doing nothing, or even starting her training again.

Since Lucy and her parents extended their vacation for another two weeks, Camila had to enjoy her summer by herself or with her mother. Her mother was busy most of the time. Camila could not wait for Lucy to come back but had no problem enjoying her summer by herself. She was even ready for a date if Timothée asked her out again. Timothée did ask Camila again a few days after the canceled date, but Camila told him that she had to focus on finishing her last assignment. He understood and would wait for Camila.

Friday early morning, Camila left the house for hiking. She always went hiking at Tróirwood South Hill by herself since Lucy did not like hiking much. Her mother liked hiking but rarely had time for that. After parking her car, Camila started the hike. Few people were already there. They started their hiking earlier than Camila. One of them greeted Camila by waving at her from afar. They knew each other was a regular hiker there.

Camila was excited that she could go hiking again. She missed her morning hiking. She enjoyed the hiking, the morning sun, and the fresh morning air in nature by herself. Camila took a short break after hiking for a while. She sat by the rock, drinking and enjoying the view. She was sweating, but she loved what she was doing. After the short break, Camila continued her hiking.

On the way up, It was a bit more challenging, but Camila still enjoyed her hiking. She did not find any difficulty as she was used to it. Sometimes, she would take other trails, but she still could hike. She would not find them too challenging unless the weather was not good. She had been hiking at South Hill for years since she came to this city. When Camila reached her destination, she spent an hour there enjoying the scenery from the top of the hill and the peacefulness before she went back down.

After spending more than an hour enjoying nature from the top, Camila decided to head back. "F*ck, no!" Camila halted when she was into fifteen minutes walking down. She stopped because she saw a grey wolf. It was not her first time to see a wolf here, but it was the first time she was standing in front of the wolf, face to face with the wild animal. She was holding her breath and tried to calm down by telling herself that it was just a wild, a bit dangerous dog. "She's just looking at me because I'm cute," She was nervous, but she tried to calm herself down.

Camila slowly stepped backward. She only got her hiking sticks in her hands. She kept on retreating slowly, but the wolf was following her. She kept an eye on the wolf while thinking about what she should do if the wolf suddenly attacked her. Camila did not think of someone would show up to help her because she only met two people on the way up. So, It was a small chance. She kept thinking and hoping the wolf would leave her alone. "Shit!" She cursed when she almost fell off the trail. She was cornered when another wolf showed up.

Camila thought she probably could fight a wolf, but she doubted if it was more than one. They were not the biggest wolves she ever saw, but they were bigger than her. She still hoped the wolves would leave her alone, but her hope faded when a few more wolves showed up. Camila looked behind her, thinking of jumping off the cliff. She might have a bigger chance to survive if she jumped off the cliff than fighting against a pack of wolves.

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