Chapter 45: Again

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Narrator's POV

Camila was on her desk, doing her stuff on Friday morning. Dakota and Sahsa, who just returned from a three-day business trip yesterday, were in Dakota's office discussing stuff. Camila stopped typing, and her eyes looked at the card from Lauren on her desk. She remembered her call with Lauren Sunday evening. She wondered if Lauren was still upset or not. Either way, nothing she could do about it. She could not take the car even though she would love to have a new car. She did not check the car, parked in Normani's garage, but Normani had sent her the picture. It was a royal blue sedan, the newest version of that luxury brand. Camila sighed, thinking it would be different if Lauren was her girlfriend. She would have accepted it.

"Camila!" Sasha came out of Dakota's office. She saw Camila spacing out, looking at the small Valentine's card on her desk.

"Yes?" Camila had spaced out a little while.

"Missing the one who sent you the card?" Sasha teased Camila as she sat back on her desk, which was parallel to Camila's.

"No," Camila smiled. Camila had told Sasha that the one who sent the flowers was a friend of her friend. She did not tell much. She just told Sasha she was not into the sender.

"Did you go for dinner to celebrate Valentine's Day with the sender?" Sasha asked. "I forgot to ask you about how you celebrated the day."

"Nope," Camila said. She had dinner with their boss instead. Dakota had reminded Camila not to tell her colleagues about the dinner. Otherwise, they would start gossiping since Dakota had never gone for dinner with a new employee who was still on a probation period.

"Let's get back to work since we have to leave on time today," Sasha said.

"We have to?" Camila usually left fifteen or half an hour after five.

"Oh, yes...sorry, Mila. The boss wants to have dinner with us." Sasha informed.

"Us? Like you and me?" Camila asked again.

"Yes, just you and me," Sasha smiled, "and her, who will pay." Sasha laughed.

Camila laughed along, "Why all of a sudden?"

"Maybe we have done a good job?!" Sasha shrugged, "Not sure, maybe she's in the mood for that. We know her." Sasha meant that their boss was always like that, unpredictable.

"Alright!" Camila texted her mother, telling her that she would have dinner with her boss again. It would be three of them her boos, Sasha, and her.

Three of them had left the office on time. They went to an Italian restaurant close to Dakota's place. It was a homelike Italian restaurant. It was Dakota's favorite Italian restaurant. Three of them loved the food served at the restaurant. Camila felt that Dakota was more guarded at this dinner compared to the last dinner. She was not surprised. She had seen the unpredictable side of her boss which was known by the employees. Nevertheless, Camila and Sasha enjoyed having dinner with their boss.

After finishing the main course and waiting for the desserts, Camila was surprised when a waitress brought a birthday cake with a little fireworks on top. They started singing the birthday song to Camila. Camila did not expect her boss to know her birthday. Sasha, who knew the plan, smiled when Camila looked at her. Camila did not doubt that Sasha knew that this dinner was planned for Camila's birthday because Sasha did not look surprised at all. After the song ended, Dakota and Sasha gave Camila a hug and gifts. They were also sorry for the delay since they were out of town for a business trip.

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