Chapter 25: Lowkey Home Date (Part I)

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Camila's POV

The rain was still heavily pouring. I followed Lauren to the living room. She was holding my hand and walking way too slowly. I tried to flee my hand once but useless. She did not let me go, holding me firmly. I wanted to tell her she did not need to hold my hand because I would not run away, but I did not want to speak to her. So, I stayed silent and let her hold my hand. I was not going to lie that I kind of liked it when she held my hand because it made me feel safe, even her presence itself made me feel safe.

I did not know why I felt this way. I disliked her but I liked her presence. I disliked her but I liked it when she held my hand. I disliked her but I enjoyed having sex with her last night. I had never been this conflicted in my life. I stopped when we walked past the living room where Anna and I watched a movie. She looked at me with those beautiful green eyes of her. I could not hold the stare with her. It was not that I was intimidated by her. I was afraid that I would be allured by her beautiful green eyes, not to mention they looked gentler today than usual where they were cold and intimidating.

"Not, this one!" She answered the question in my head.

"..." I liked and disliked it when she knew what I was thinking. I liked it because I didn't have to ask. I disliked it because it was scary how she could do that too many times.

We continued walking to the end of this part of her house and turned to the other side. I did not know where she was taking me, but I trusted her. I did not even know why I trusted her easier and easier day by day. Probably, she had saved me and I realized that she always tried to protect me even when I did not listen to her. I was so lost in my head that she nudged me when we arrived at one door at the part of her house that I had never been to.

She opened the door and invited me to enter the living room before her. I looked at her slightly before I walked inside the living room. She closed the door as I looked around the room. I wondered what she was doing for a living. She was definitely a wealthy woman. No wonder, Alexa was her match. I cursed internally when Alexa crossed my mind. I felt uneasy thinking what if Alexa found out what we did last night? I hoped Lauren did tell the truth at the party when she told me that Alexa knew that she wanted to spend a night with me.

"You can choose the movie!" Lauren told me as she sat in the middle of the long grey sofa.

I looked at her, thinking where I should sit. I looked at the single sofa, walking toward it.

"No!" She stopped me, gesturing me to sit next to her, by tapping the sofa like she was tapping the bed last night.

I knew she would make me sit next to her, and I knew my stupid self would end up listening to her just like I let her hold my hand earlier. I walked over and sat at the end of the long sofa she was sitting on. She was looking at me, but I ignored her and started choosing the movie.

"Are you scared?" She asked me in her sexy husky voice.

"No," I answered her, but I kept my eyes on the movie options. I saw an interesting romcom movie but I had to forget about it because it was not a good choice. I did not want to watch a movie with a kissing or intimate scene with her. It would be too awkward, so I chose a cartoon. I clicked on the movie and looked at her.

She looked at me and said nothing, but I knew she would prefer something else. I did not ask her, too. I just did what she told me to choose whatever movie I wanted to watch. She said nothing and looked at the screen, so I started the movie.

"Sit closer, or I would." She said when the movie started.

I said nothing but listened to her. I think it was better to move closer. Otherwise, she might move closer and leave no space. I moved closer to her but I kept a small gap between us. It was not too far and not too close.

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