Chapter 59: Where's She? (II)

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Camila's POV

My relationship with Dakota was going pretty well. We did not make our relationship exclusive yet, but we enjoyed spending time with each other. I would not be the one who ignited to make our relationship official because I still had that little voice in my head telling me I was not Dakota's match. I was no one amazing, while Dakota was that brilliant designer who was wealthy and famous. I did not have a high hope, but I would wait and see how things would go. She would be the one who asked if we wanted to be girlfriends officially.

Although our relationship was not exclusive, and we never seriously discussed it further after seeing and spending time with each other for more than a year now, Dakota genuinely loved and cared about me. We were not officially girlfriends, but she treated me like one, so did I. We also did not date others. The only thing we did not do like most girlfriends do, was publicly open about our relationship. Dakota was a public figure and she preferred to keep everything, especially her relationship private. I did not mind. We were good with what we had and did now.

Things were a bit different on my side when I knew Lauren and Alexa's marriage had a problem. I did not know why I was concerned about it when I should not care about others' marriage, which was none of my business. I got nervous and anxious when Alexa asked me to help her. If she knew what Lauren and I had before, she definitely would not ask for my help but kill me instead. I did not understand why I got anxious, knowing their marriage had a problem. They were the perfect power couple, both were well-known, successful, wealthy, and even the sexiest couple I ever met.

I witnessed how they kissed each other that day. I did not know why I lost my words and got nervous and anxious looking at them. I was stunned, but I wanted to run away, too. If they could kiss that way, they would not have any problem with their sex life. Ugh, I had to stop thinking about them. Their marriage was not my business. I hated it Alexa contacted me and came to meet me at the office. She should have understood what it meant when someone rejected her invitation. She would not have come to me. Worst, she was not alone, Lauren showed up in the middle of our conversation.

I thought it was Lauren's idea as she seemed not surprised to see me there. It turned out it was not hers. I believed her because she never lied to me, and I just knew she did not lie. She even seemed happy to have the opportunity to annoy me. Meeting her that day had me question things. She crossed my mind again after seeing her that day. I did not know why this weird feeling popped up again since I met her again. I did not want to think of her, but this weird feeling made me think of her more often since that unexpected day. I wanted this weird feeling to go away. I did not want to see them again. It was not that I hated her or Alexa, I just wanted to live my life peacefully.

Did I hate her? No, I did not. Did not I like her? Yes, I did, but I did not love her. If I loved her, I would be depressed and cry all night when I heard about her wedding news. Did the news affect me? No, not in a dramatic, miserable way, but I felt everything as I felt nothing. My heart was so quiet and empty on that wedding day. I went for training to distract myself. I went to Dakota so that I would not be alone and have someone to talk to. It turned out Dakota found out about Lauren and me. I was afraid that she would get upset at me, but she did not.

Dakota was so understanding. Dakota was also right about Lauren. I was convinced after I met Lauren again that day. Dakota said that if Lauren was the true alpha and if Lauren believed that I was her Luna by marking me, Lauren would not let me go easily. I was afraid this was the reason that kept Dakota from making our relationship exclusive. We did not expect it as we enjoyed our moments. We appreciated what we had by enjoying the moments. We did not dig into each other's past, we also did not want to worry about our future. I loved spending time with her, but I started thinking of Lauren recently.

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