Chapter 14: Rejection

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Narrator's POV

Camila's peaceful morning was gone. She checked her phone when she was having her breakfast. She received a message from Timothée, informing her that he was in the hospital due to the accident he got last night on the way home. She was worried and wanted to visit Timothée in the hospital. She canceled her plan to go to the farmers' market. Camila went to her room to change her clothes when Timothée told her that she could visit him after eleven.

Camila thought her day could not get any worse when she opened her door and found Lauren standing in front of her doorway. She did not see Dinah or Normani. She knew she had to keep her distance from Lauren, especially when nobody else was around. Camila stepped back. Lauren frowned when she saw Camila's little movement.

"Morning!" Lauren greeted Camila, trying to be decent, but Camila shut the door in her face. She heard the door locked. "

"What do you want?" Camila asked from behind the door. Her tone was not nice at all.

Lauren shook her head but said calmly, "My sunglasses."

"I'll throw them from the balcony," Camila instructed Lauren before she ran upstairs to her bedroom.

She took Lauren's sunglasses from the drawer and went to her small balcony. She did not see Lauren. She took her phone and texted her.

Camila: go to the left side of my house!

Xxx: Why?

Camila: to get your sunglasses.

Xxx: No.

Camila: I will throw them from the balcony.

Xxx: No.

Camila: yes, or forget about your sunglasses.

Xxx: Okay, you can keep them.

"Ugh!" Camila was running late. Timothée told her the visiting hours were strict. Camila ran downstairs with Lauren's sunglasses. She had to give them back now. Otherwise, Lauren would come back again to disturb her.

She opened the door and hid her body behind the door. Lauren frowned, looking at Camila.

"I won't do anything to you," Lauren said when she saw Camila was scared of her.

"I don't trust you!" Camila said.

"I know," Lauren replied. It became her default answer for Camila.

Lauren looked relaxed today. She did not look intimidating or cold today. Camila somehow felt safe. She opened the door wider, "Take them!" She handed the sunglasses again.

Instead of taking the sunglasses, Lauren asked Camila, "Are you heading out?" She even asked Camila with a less cold voice than she usually had.

"None of your business!" Camila walked outside when she felt Lauren was not threatening her. She handed the sunglasses again, and Lauren finally took them.

"Where are you going?" Lauren asked again.

Camila did not answer but locked her door. She ignored Lauren.

"I can drive you there," Lauren said, offering Camila a ride.

"Thanks, I don't need it." Camila rejected Lauren's offer. She walked past Lauren and went to her car. She turned the engine on while Lauren was still standing by the porch. She slowly walked down the steps and stopped in front of Camila's car, looking at her.

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