Chapter 66: The War Night

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Narrator's POV

The headquarters was a bit busier than usual this morning. Lauren held a meeting at her place with her team early morning. She did not refer to them as her pack for many reasons: First, she did not like to emphasize the hierarchy of the werewolf world. Second, not everybody on the team was a werewolf. Third, two of them were her best friends: Dinah and Normani. Fourth, she believed everybody could be a leader, so she did not want to limit themselves. Fifth, she did not want them to just follow her. She wanted them to live their best lives independently. Last but not least, they were her extended family.

Although Lauren had different ways of treating her team than others' pack leaders, she was still the leader of them. They respected her, they listened to her, and they were very loyal to Lauren. Lauren did not take them in as her pack, but let them decide. Most of them were saved by Lauren at some point in their lives. They owed their lives to Lauren, even though Lauren did not see it that way. Some of them were helped in a big time by Lauren. They agreed Lauren was their leader. It was not only because of what Lauren had done for them but also Lauren's power and character that made them respect and admire her.

They gathered this morning to accomplish a mission. Lauren had found out where Camila was. She was a little shocked, but it was not beyond her expectations. Alexa indeed did not lie to Lauren. She didn't kidnap Camila. Alexa finally knew who kidnapped Camila when her father tried to ensure her not to worry about the divorce. He said he would make Lauren give what Alexa and he wanted, which was an offspring. Alexa doubted that Lauren would give in since she knew Lauren better than her father. Her father convinced Alexa by telling her that everything was under control since he got Lauren's weakness.

In the beginning, Camila did not cross Alexa's mind as Lauren's weakness. Alexa thought that her father had developed some kind of weapon that could kill a strong werewolf like Lauren. She was curious. She asked more questions, which made her father could not stand it. As a result, he told Alexa that he got Camila. Alexa was shocked for sure. She disliked the idea, knowing Lauren, who did not love her would end up hating her for real. There was nothing that Alexa could do to stop her father, but had to do something before it got complicated. She was tired of everything. She decided to give Lauren a clue. She sent Lauren a message: Lauren, I hope things will turn out well. I am afraid my father had his way to make you hate me for real. This message from Alexa resolved Lauren's doubt about Camila's whereabouts.

During the meeting, Lauren discussed the plan with her team. She explained every member's part and responsibility. It was an important mission to accomplish. She needed all the support she could get. Dakota even joined the meeting as she had her part, too, which was to deal with the police and authority. Dinah and Normani were surely there along with Anna, whom Lauren trusted to lead the backup team. There were also Dr. Ora and Steve, who helped them when they saved Camila before. There were seven of them in the meeting. The meeting lasted less than two hours. It did not take too long because Lauren had discussed it with each of them before the meeting.

They left Lauren's place and headed back to their places to prepare for the mission, which surely would turn into a war. Lauren had suspected where Camila was taken to before Alexa spilled the beans. Alexa confirmed what Lauren suspected. Things rolled fast after it was confirmed that Camila was abducted by Alexa's father and put into the secret prison, which he secretly and scrupulously built to keep his enemies. The prison was hidden underground close to his mansion. It was also completed with high technology, which made it hard to detect. Lauren could not even sense where Camila was.


The day got colder as the sun fully set. The moon rose higher in almost full shape. The day when Lauren had been looking forward finally came. She took the weapons she needed. Although she was a powerful and fearless true alpha, she had to accept the fact that there were weapons that could bring her down in this day and age. She could go to war and fight as a true alpha did, but there was no guarantee that her enemies would play fair. They surely would involve sophisticated guns and weapons to demolish her pack.

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