Chapter 53: Leave Her

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Narrator's POV

Having her lunch break by herself at the nearby small restaurant, Camila was thinking about her problem. She had no one to talk to. She could share things with her mother, but not when it was about her non-platonic relationship, especially with Lauren. Although her mother did not blame her for not being aware of having the mark, she showed her dislike and opposed any relationship between Camila and other beings, including Lauren. She insisted Camila to stay away from Lauren. If needed, she also had to stay away from Normani. Although Camila didn't plan or want to have a romantic relationship with Lauren, she was not fond of how her mother approached this problem.

Things would be different If she were still friends with Lucy. She would have someone to talk to. She sighed, thinking how things had changed since Lauren came into her life. Things got too complicated for her. She also could not talk to Normani. She was thinking of staying away from Normani, too, now. She should have known that Normani would always be on Lauren's side no matter how hard Normani tried to be objective and fair because Lauren was her alpha, the leader of their pack. Camila was disappointed that Normani did not tell her about the mark, but she did not hate Normani for that. Although it was disappointing, Camila understood why Normani did not tell her about it.

Camila felt like the unluckiest person for having no real friends to talk to in such a moment. She thought of Sasha but got a trust issue after she failed to make friends with Lucy and Normani. She could get along well and fast with Sasha at work, but she didn't know how much she could trust Sasha. She thought of seeing her therapist whom she last had a session in June. The last person who crossed her mind was Dakota, but she was not sure it was a good idea to share her problem with her boss. Dakota had made herself clear that she did not want to be involved in others' relationships. They had agreed to put what they had on pause until Camila finished dealing with her things.

Camila was a little disappointed, but she understood. She would do the same if she were Dakota. It was aligned with Camila's belief that one should not get into others' romantic relationships. Camila liked Dakota and had a crush on her, but she did not expect to have a serious relationship with Dakota. However, it did not mean she did not want to have some lovely moments with Dakota. Camila sighed, thinking of her life which was no longer as simple as before. She disliked Lauren when they first met. Things between them were getting better when Lauren saved her. Now, it turned worse when she found out Lauren had marked her without her consent.

Although Lauren came last night, she did not make things better because Camila did not want to see her. Camila could have confronted Lauren last night if her mother had not been home. She left her bedroom, leaving Lauren on the balcony. She changed her mind to sleep in the guest bedroom instead of her mother. She did not want her mother to question her decision not to sleep in her room. After finishing her lunch, Camila went back to the office earlier. Dakota called Camila to her office when Sasha left for lunch.

"How is it going, Camila?" Dakota had her lunch in her office instead of going out.

"My mother found out about it, too. Her friend came for dinner last night and confirmed that it's indeed the werewolf mark." Camila answered.

"How are you feeling?" Dakota asked.

Camila sighed subtly, "I never dated a werewolf, but I slept with one after she saved my life..."

Camila told Dakota about the incident at the summer party when Liam and his friends kidnapped her. She did not mention a name, but she did mention that the werewolf was an alpha. She said she was not in any relationship with her. Camila did not tell Dakota every detail but she told enough that Dakota understood how it happened.

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