Chapter 33: Mother-Daughter Talk

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Narrator's POV

The city resumed its activity on this Monday and welcomed the autumn at the same time. Camila was driving in her blue car, heading home after leaving her campus in the afternoon. She felt anxious the whole day being outside by herself for the first time after the horrible incident. She did not go out by herself these past two days since she returned home from Lauren's place. She stayed home and only went out once with her mother yesterday morning.

Today, Camila was back to college, and her mother was back to running her cafe. Although Camila's mother stayed home during the weekend to accompany Camila, they did not spend the whole day together. Camila needed time and space and spent most of her time these past two days in her room. Sinu understood Camila needed time to process everything. She had noticed something had changed. She also thought there must be something happened between Camila and Lauren. She was curious but did not ask Camila yet because she did not want to distress Camila.

Camila went to the kitchen as she arrived home. She took a bottle of cold water out of the fridge and settled on the dining table with her bag on the table. She drank some of the water before taking an apple from the fruit basket. She did not eat the apple right away. She was lost in her thoughts. She felt anxious today, more anxious than she had ever been. She felt unsafe being outside by herself. She even felt a little anxious when she was at home alone. She felt calmer when her mother was around.

Camila felt strange. She did not feel it when she stayed at Lauren's place. It might be because she stayed at a place that belonged to someone who had saved her life. Lauren's place was also well-guarded. She also got Anna, who was always by her side. Camila surely knew she could not return to Lauren's place to seek security. She realized that the horrible incident had traumatized her. She was thinking of seeking professional help. She would talk to her mother once her mother returned from the cafe in the evening.

Camila started eating the apple she took. Her mind now was on Lucy. Lucy was still absent from college as she needed more time to recover. They had not heard from each other yet, even though both of them had had their phones replaced. Camila was still upset with Lucy, but she also wanted to meet Lucy, who also had helped her. She heard from Normani that Lucy was dying when she returned to the party to ask for help. Normani came to Lucy first before Lauren came to Camila's message.

Camila took her phone to send a message to Lucy. She did not know what to say, but she knew one of them had to start because they had things to settle.

Camila: Hi! Are you getting better?

It was a short message, but it took fifteen minutes for Camila to finally send it out. She was nervous, eating her apple while looking at the phone, waiting for Lucy's reply. Fifteen minutes passed, and Camila finished her apple and got no answer from Lucy. She took her phone and bag and went upstairs into her bedroom. Camila refreshed herself before settling in the bed. She did nothing physically draining, but she was drained. She put on music and closed her eyes, trying to take a nap.

Camila could not shut her busy mind off immediately. She took her phone from the nightstand and checked the message. There was no reply from Lucy. Camila sighed when she saw a message from Lauren, which she received when she got her new phone yesterday morning.

Lauren: Hi, I miss you!

Camila did not reply to Lauren's message, which Lauren sent on Friday evening. Lauren missed Camila. The Alpha needed her Luna on the full moon night. Luna probably missed her Alpha, too. Camila did think of Lauren that night or even until now, but it was more intense that night due to the full moon. It was common for the werewolf who had mated, even not fully mate to miss each other's affection on the full moon night.

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