Chapter 68: Be Her Luna

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Narrator's POV

Spring lasted peacefully when things changed for many in Tróiwood. The new mayor of the city was elected to take responsibility for the general welfare of the city after the death of the mayor in the werewolf war, which had shaken not only the city but the whole land overall. Many things had been revealed about their previous mayor. Many unsolved criminal cases related to Mr. Ferrer were seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. The dynamic of the city slowly changes with the newly elected mayor. All the citizens looked forward to a better change even though they knew things could not occur overnight. At least, one thing had changed.

Things changed for the Tróiwood in general, and especially for Lauren. Lauren finally reunited with her mother. Her mission of saving her mother was accomplished after years of patience and planning. She had a great relief from the burden she carried for years, looking and longing for her mother. Having her mother home, safe and sound, Lauren became less cold. She smiled more often since her mother returned. Many stories and memories were shared between Lauren and her mother. No one could deny the beautiful bond of Lauren and her mother.

On the other side, Camila had fully recovered physically but not mentally. She was still seeing her therapist once a week. She returned to the office and her daily routine by the middle of Spring after taking a month off as Dakota suggested. She still had the bodyguard from Lauren, who acted as her driver with her. Anna was still around to accompany and watch over Camila. She did not live at Camila's place but Normani's place, which was across the street. She would accompany Camila during Camila's days off work or when Camila just wanted to go out after work. Anna's presence also gradually brought back Camila and Normani's friendship.

Lauren and Camila had not met again since the war. The only time they were in touch after that war night was on Camila's birthday, which was a week after she returned home. Lauren texted Camila to wish her a birthday. They did not talk to each other by calling but texting. Although the communication was only through messages, it was a peaceful conversation. Lauren was not annoying to Camila, and Camila was open to chatting with Lauren. Camila reread the messages from Lauren and recalled when she was texting her, when she was in the car, enjoying her Sunday out with Anna.

Lauren: It's your birthday, Camila! Happy birthday! 🥂

Camila: Thank you! 😊

Lauren: How are you doing?

Camila: I am good. You?

Lauren: I am good, too. 😊

Camila: How is your mother?

Lauren: She's recovering.

Camila: I hope she will get well soon.

Lauren: She definitely will.

** a pause **

Lauren: I did not send you any presents. I did not know what you needed.

Camila: It's okay, thank you! What you've done to help me is more than anything. 🥹

Lauren: Alright..

** a pause **

Camila: thank you for saving me, and everything.

Lauren: I'm happy I can help. 😊

** a pause **

Lauren: If you need help with anything else, just let me know, or you can let Anna know, too.

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