The unknown surprise

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It's almost evening when I went to meet him, we spoke about the details, colours, how much time it would take to complete each part and all. I explained him thoroughly.

"I would like to give a detailed presentation to the Mr. Fedrik and all the concerned authorities if that can be arranged." I asked in a pleasing tone.

He stared at me with a smile for a few minutes and said "I must admit Frey was right, you really are smart"

"Who's Frey? "I asked with a blank look.

"Hahahh..." he let out a little laugh, "Mr. Frey Fedrik....! " He exclaimed

"Oh sorry I'm used to calling him Mr. Fedrik so I eventually forgot his name..." We both chuckled

"Anyway what exactly did he say about me? " I really wanted to know, because Mr. CEO didn't seem like he gossips nor he's got time for things like that so every time Anthony said he spoke about me I can't help but to wonder what he might have said.

Also, I have replayed the whole scene in my mind a thousand times thinking about what's that thing about it made him to make time to discuss about me.

So finally I asked.

"Well he said you were smart, seemed confident and straight to the point kind of person. Seems like you impressed him."

"Huh? Really?"

"Yes, not just him, other people in his office also said the same!"

I was confused, what's there was it that impressed them so much, I was given a little time and I did what I came for, to ask for permission.

"Because your one of those rare and lucky people especially woman who came out of his office without being upset or crying"

Crying? Why would they cry?

"You see, Frey is a handsome and rich young CEO in this field. So almost every girl who gets a chance to meet him that too alone, tries their best to make a fortune out of it, you know what I mean" he smirked a little giving me a hint at what he meant by that.

No comments, I rolled my eyes tilting my head to the side, tried to hide the feeling of shy away.

I didn't say a word, I kept silent and sat still.

"That's why he asked me to help you in any way possible. You earned his trust."

I felt proud and happy. There was proud all over my face, happiness rushed through my heart made my cheeks blush to a combination of pink and orange.

The next thing he said pulled me out of my proud cloud.

"It's almost dark, you want to come with me to grab something to eat?"

I raised my eyebrows in shock, like what? Is he asking me out? Because it's not official dinner or something. Duh!!

"Ahh I..."

I didn't know what to say I can't simply reject him because he has been only nice to me since we met and cooperative too, also he's my client so....

" I have to go home alone, and it's getting dark so..." I tried to avoid going with him.

" It's okay I'll drop you at your house"

Guess there's nothing I can do now.

"Okay.." I agreed.

"Good let's go."

By the time we reached to the hall in the ground floor, he's driver brought his car to the entrance.

He took keys from the driver and thanked him said he'll go home by himself

It was a big car, he opened the passanger door for me, I thanked him and got inside, it smelled so good the aroma actually made me feel relaxed.

"Is this your car? " I asked in disbelief

"Yes" he answered quickly

I was still baffled, remaining confused.

He observed my confusion and asked

"What's wrong?"


"Come on tell me, why are you baffled like that" he asked while driving with left hand and rested his right hand on the window. He placed his two fingers on his lips and glanced at me.

Oh god how did he understood that I'm baffled with a single glance?

"Is it okay if I ask you something other than our work."I took permission before because if he doesn't like to talk about he's personal life everything will be ruined.

"Yeah sure" he replied without any hesitate.

"Uuhhhmm you.. look like your super rich and you almost get the same treatment and respect from your staff just like Mr. Fedrik, but then again, Youre so casual and friendly with everyone... I fail to connect the dots here, when youre so rich why are you even working here?!"

He laughed and looked at me like I'm a small kid whose head is filled with questions.

"Me and Frey are cousins, more like best friends. We both are of same age and we almost grew up together.

His father wanted him to be the next owner of the company, mine too. But I didn't want to be the serious Mr. CEO so I told my dad it's like this or I'm out of this business." He explained with so ease left me speechless.

Whoa he's the one of the heirs of the founders of this multi-national company

My jaw dropped and my eyes popped out.

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