Justin Heath

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I skim through the glass wall of the board room closing the gap within few strides to board room. All the key persons, board members and some of the senior managers from different departments were present. Eveyone discussing something with the random persons across the table. The only common thing they all possessed was a sheer tense and alarm. Dark clouds of chaos hovering in the clouds.

I pushed open the glass door and acknowledged everyone at the table. Everyone's attention catched mine. Whispers of tense vanished setting up an inconvenient, grim vibe giving me a headstart on how bad it is and I braced myself for whatever storm that set it's present on us.
I took my desired seat beside Frey. Nodded at Frey when our gaze met. He nodded in response. That's the most common gestures we'd use whenever we are in work environment.
Frey straighted his posture as in he's ready for his speech and every whisper slipped into oblivion. I could see a nerve tick in his forehead but certain it wasn't of perturb of whatever the situation we are in.

"It has come to my knowledge that someone is trying to buy a big part our shares in order to claim our company" he paused for a second and looked at everyone else at the table. His usually dark tone made the obscurity dense in the clouds.

"Justin Heath" two words. I snapped my head towards Frey, to make sure I heard the name right. Yes that grin on his face confirmed it a hundred percent. Because if it is 'Justin Heath' and ' Frey Fredrik ' is in the same story then it's going to end in an epic war.

"He's the heir of Carson Heath,and the new CEO of the Heath industries. He recently took over the position of his father and actively,more like aggressively making changes to make their company the largest technology industry in the country" a senior board member explained with much anticipated information.

"Right" Frey snapped his fingers. He got out of he's chair and started to pace back to his chair. I understood why he's so ferociously invested in 'take care' of the matter right away.

" Justin Heath doesn't morally bound to run the business like he's father. He wants to be at top come what may and he's willing to do whatever it takes. Heath industries has been stuck at second place over a decade. We are always ahead of them giving them a hard time to reach first position" a suspicious pause.
I'm no more surprised at the information he gathered beforehand. Why not. He's the high and mighty CEO and it's inevitable to Know your competition better to stay a step ahead. That's how a corporate world runs.

"We have been in first position, we ARE in first position and I'm going to make sure we will be in first position for a decade furthermore. If Justin Heath is stubborn and will do whatever it takes to get there and I'm not going to hold any efforts to keep him in where he is" the whole room went silent that their frantic breaths sync in one audible rhythm and echoed through out the room.

I saw the pure confusion and panic in everyone's faces. They are about to explode on a slight shift in the atmosphere. So I cleared my throat and brought back their attention to me.

" Justin Heath is may be another stubborn-hot head-deligated new to game CEO but he's just another competition and we are not new to competitions. That's why we have been in the first palce over the decades. We have the best expertise employees and mentors we don't need to fret over some newbie trying to be a wannabe" I looked at Frey who's still holding the grin.
"As for his poor plan of taking over our company in order to climb to the first position, which we won't let it happen,then he'll still be in second place because he didn't improved his business but bought the one which is already there. That explains he's vulnerability. We'll have another detailed meeting with the senior board members and share holders for the future plans" I put up a gleamy smile to cheer and ease the intensity in the air. It worked.
"Thanks for everyone for to summon here on such a short notice" I ended the meeting and everyone saw their way out.

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