victory or not

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"I want a partnership in your company" Justin blurted flat-out without any repentance or fear as if he has a right in it.

Frey laughed historically until he's laugh echoed throughout the room. He snorted and chocked on his laugh and somehow spoke "You" and broke out laughing again "You want partnership in our company and actually be a legit part of it." As he finished the sentence his face grew lethally enraged. His laugh still echoing faintly around the room. "In your Dreams, Justin."

"You think you can steal our one consignment and then blackmail us is all it takes to bring us to our knees? And we'll do whatever you demand us to save it? Quit the cheap play, Justin. Yes, we are here because we care about that consignment but it isn't everything. Our company is an empire not a start-up or some skimpy company stuck at second place for more than a decade. It is just a fleck compared to what we already own. We are here because we want to show you what happens if you sit in your cozy house and dream you could steal and bargain your deeds. If you want to keep the stock in that container you can have it. I'll give it to you as a present for bringing your sister into your business, it'll be a great welcoming gift for making her debut in this industry and thank you for bringing her, I almost missed her."

Justin stoned in his place, spellbound. Grinding his jaw as Frey took charge of the matter in hand. Frey stole the grin right off Justins face by mentioning Sara. He did really turn the tables. I let him finish, let his rage rain on Justin because the dumbass has to realize what he has started, by attempting to poke his nose in our business, bringing Sara into his filthy plotting and going so far to steal. If we dont, he'll keep on planning these cheap games and neither I nor Frey are in any mood for being a part in his mindless enmity.

"It's up to you Justin. What you want to do now you can either return it or keep it. One or the other we will get it back or let everyone know what kind of wretched fool you are. Just so you know, every single gadget in that truck has our QR imprinted inside the IC itself, Tech & Science. If you try to sell it or use it anywhere, we'll know." I finished what Frey has started. I and Frey took the drink he'd offered us earlier and finished it before we stood up to leave. Justin's face remained loss of colour and defeated.

I twisted back before leaving entirely out of the room, "Next time you want to have a conversation Justin, be it professional or a fun rant, just give us a call. By professional I mean without stealing our stuff."

We might have lost millions of worth commodities tonight but defeating Justin in his house, stealing the grin right off of his face was a triumph in itself.

We let the transport company and the police to search for it. Anyway, it helps. Either we'll get our property or any evidence that Justin is behind its disappearance. However, it is a proof enough that he discreetly admitted it when he invited us for a meeting, not precisely since he'd never confessed verbally but it was confirmed when he agreed to have a meet over it.

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